[Haskell-cafe] Using cmake with haskell

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Thu May 12 02:12:25 CEST 2011

Excerpts from Robert Clausecker's message of Wed May 11 21:54:32 +0200 2011:
> Because I want to get a good answer, I cross post it here. It may be
> interesting:
If you do this you should consider adding a reference to this thread on
stackoverflow as well .. You can read this mailinglist online
(haskell.org -> mailinglists or such)

why cmake?
+ maybe some paralell compiling possible (that's a make feature)
- ghc has to be run once for each file (slow down)

cabal is a standard. And we all like it for that.
It makes packaging all the libraries for nixos/gentoo/debian/... a *lot*

Not everything which can be done should be done as well.
Think alone about all the dependency handling done in cabal. There is no
need to duplicate this all.

So the interesting question would be discussing which parts of your
projects are in C for what reason. Then you should consider raising this
question again if cabal can't be made compiling those view files easily.

If you know what you need its also a good time to ask again for other
projects having already solved build tasks like this.

If you're looking for work to learn something new and to get your hands
dirty join darcs, yi, .. or such.
Sourceforge projects can even flag themselves as "need help at ...".

Marc Weber

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