[Haskell-cafe] object oriented technique

Tillmann Rendel rendel at informatik.uni-marburg.de
Wed Mar 30 11:57:14 CEST 2011


Steffen Schuldenzucker wrote:
> data Shape = Shape {
>     draw :: String
>     copyTo :: Double ->  Double -> Shape
> }

Tad Doxsee wrote:
> Suppose that the shape class has 100 methods and that 1000 fully
> evaluated shapes are placed in a list.

The above solution would store the full method table with each object.
Instead, we could share the method tables between objects. An object 
would then uniformly contain two pointers: One pointer to the method 
table, and one poiner to the internal state.

   {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, Rank2Types #-}

   data Object methods = forall state . Object {
     methods :: methods state,
     state :: state

Calling a method requires dereferencing both pointers.

   call :: (forall state . methods state -> state -> a) ->
           (Object methods -> a)
   call method (Object methods state) = method methods state

Using this machinery, we can encode the interface for shapes.

   data ShapeClass state = ShapeClass {
     draw :: state -> String,
     copyTo :: state -> Double -> Double -> Shape

   type Shape = Object ShapeClass

An implementation of the interface consists of three parts: A datatype 
or the internal state, a method table, and a constructor.

   data RectangleState = RectangleState {rx, ry, rw, rh :: Double}

   rectangleClass :: ShapeClass RectangleState
   rectangleClass = ShapeClass {
     draw = \r ->
       "Rect (" ++ show (rx r) ++ ", " ++ show (ry r) ++ ") -- "
        ++ show (rw r) ++ " x " ++ show (rh r),
     copyTo = \r x y -> rectangle x y (rw r) (rh r)

   rectangle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Shape
   rectangle x y w h
     = Object rectangleClass (RectangleState x y w h)

The analogous code for circles.

   data CircleState = CircleState {cx, cy, cr :: Double}

   circleClass :: ShapeClass CircleState
   circleClass = ShapeClass {
     draw = \c ->
       "Circ (" ++ show (cx c) ++ ", " ++ show (cy c)++ ") -- "
       ++ show (cr c),
     copyTo = \c x y -> circle x y (cr c)

   circle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Shape
   circle x y r
     = Object circleClass (CircleState x y r)

Rectangles and circles can be stored together in usual Haskell lists, 
because they are not statically distinguished at all.

   -- test
   r1 = rectangle 0 0 3 2
   r2 = rectangle 1 1 4 5
   c1 = circle 0 0 5
   c2 = circle 2 0 7

   shapes = [r1, r2, c1, c2]

   main = mapM_ (putStrLn . call draw) shapes

While this does not nearly implement all of OO (no inheritance, no late 
binding, ...), it might meet your requirements.


PS. You could probably use a type class instead of the algebraic data 
type ShapeClass, but I don't see a benefit. Indeed, I like how the code 
above is very explicit about what is stored where. For example, in the 
code of the rectangle function, it is clearly visible that all shapes 
created with that function will share a method table.

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