[Haskell-cafe] Class and Instance

Yves Parès limestrael at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 23:38:47 CEST 2011

You can also modify you class if your intent is that it always work with
polymorph types (And it will save you some trouble with functional
dependencies between types x and y. Plus, it will be Haskell98 compliant)

-- insert, remove and whatsIn are then supposed to work *forall y*, and then
impose the kind of x to be * -> * (x is a type constructor, not a mere type)
class Container x where
    insert :: y -> x y -> x y
    remove :: y -> x y -> x y
    whatsIn :: x y -> [y]

Then you can do:
import Data.List (delete)

instance Container [] where
    insert = (:)
    remove = delete  -- removes only the first occurence
    -- remove x = filter (/= x)  -- if you want to remove *every* occurence
of x (there may be a better way)
    whatsIn = id

2011/6/10 Patrick Browne <patrick.browne at dit.ie>

> Hi
> Below is a class that I wish to create some instances of.
> I do not wish to change the class definition.
> It is supposed to represent containers of type x that contain things of
> type y.
> My attempt at the insert function seems ok for Char and lists, but not
> ok for Integer. How do I instantiate this class for integers and lists?
> Does this class definition permit y to be a list and hence x to be a
> list of lists? Something like: instance Containers [] [] where ..
> Is this a constructor class?
> Thanks,
> Pat
> class  Containers x y where
>  insert :: y -> x y -> x y
>  remove :: y -> x y -> x y
>  whatsIn :: x y -> [y]
> instance Containers [] Char where
>  insert y [] = y:[]
>  insert y m  = y:m
> instance Containers [] Integer where
>  insert y [] = y:[]
>  insert y m  = y:m
> -- OK
> -- insert  '1' ['u','u','l','i']
> -- Not OK
> -- insert 2 [9,2]
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