[Haskell-cafe] *GROUP HUG*

Michael Xavier nemesisdesign at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 05:05:39 CEST 2011

I just wanted to echo this a bit. I'm a Ruby on Rails developer in my day
job. While I still enjoy ruby, I was very proud that my studies of Haskell
helped me identify a problem a week or so ago that would be much more
difficult to solve in an imperative language and benefits from laziness.
While the role of this tool will be limited compared to what I do day by
day, I can finally say that I'm using Haskell at work.

If anyone is curious, the project is essentially a service that determines
the optimum order for a comparison shopping engine.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Yves Parès <limestrael at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Learning Haskell will pay off much less than learning PHP, if your goal
> is to find a job.
> Amen.
> > I cannot agree with this for practical reasons.  I'm using Haskell for
> > real world commercial applications, and I'm very productive with it.
> I wish so much I could say that... Out of curiosity, what are you using
> Haskell for?
> 2011/6/2 Ertugrul Soeylemez <es at ertes.de>
>> "Alberto G. Corona " <agocorona at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Haskell is an academic asset as well as a fun asset.
>> I cannot agree with this for practical reasons.  I'm using Haskell for
>> real world commercial applications, and I'm very productive with it.
>> There is however a variation of this statement, with which I could
>> agree, namely:  Learning Haskell will pay off much less than learning
>> PHP, if your goal is to find a job.  It takes a lot longer and there are
>> a lot less companies in need of Haskell programmers.
>> Greets,
>> Ertugrul
>> --
>> nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)
>> http://ertes.de/
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Michael Xavier
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