[Haskell-cafe] Iteratees again
Ketil Malde
ketil at malde.org
Fri Jun 3 09:53:26 CEST 2011
dm-list-haskell-cafe at scs.stanford.edu writes:
> leaking file descriptors
...until they are garbage collected. I tend to consider the OS fd
limitation an OS design error - I've no idea why there should be some
arbitrary limit on open files, as long as there is plenty of memory
around to store them. But, well, yes, it is a real concern.
> parsers that parse every possible input and never fail.
I guess I need to look into how iteratees handle parse failure.
Generally, for me a parse failure means program failure - either the
data is corrupt, or the program is incorrect.
> Thus, for anything other than a toy program, your code actually has to
> be:
> readFoo path = bracket (hOpen path) hclose $
> hGetContents >=> (\s -> return $! decodeFoo s)
No, I can't do that in general, because I want to process a Foo (which
typically is or contains a list of records) incrementally. I can't
assume the file or its data are smalle enough to fit in memory. It is
important that readFoo returns a structure that can be consumed lazily
- or perhaps it can be iteratee all the way up.
> Which is still not guaranteed to work if Foo contains thunks, so then
> you end up having to write:
> readFoo path = bracket (hOpen path) hclose $ \h -> do
> s <- hGetContents h
> let foo = decodeFoo s
> deepseq foo $ return foo
I think this - or rather, having Foo's records be strict - is a good
idea anyway. The previous discussion about frequency counts seems to
indicate that this goes equally well for iteratees.
Thanks for the elaborate answer.
If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
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