[Haskell-cafe] Why the reluctance to introduce the Functor requirement on Monad?

Victor Nazarov asviraspossible at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 13:39:19 CEST 2011

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Alejandro Serrano Mena
<trupill at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll give my two cents about some design I've been thinking about. Instead
> of trying to derive all instances automatically, the programmer should
> explicitly tell them (so the problems about conflicting implementations
> would be minimised). I attach a piece of code of what I think could be done:
> instance Functor a <= Monad a where  -- notice the reversed "<="
>   fmap = ...
> from Monad MyMonad derive Functor MyMonad
> With the from_derive_ clause, we are telling exactly from which "<="
> declaration to pull the definition from. The part of "from" should have
> already been written or derived, so we know exactly which instance the user
> is speaking about.
> More refinements to the syntax could be done, for example if we have:
> instance Functor a <= Applicative a where
>   fmap = ..
> instance Applicative a <= Monad a where
>   pure = ...
>   (<*>) = ...
> Then, writing "from Monad MyMonad derive Functor MyMonad" would go through
> the entire tree of "reverse instance declarations" and create instances for
> Applicative, and from that a Functor one (of course, this should fail if we
> have more than one path, then the user should write the path explicitly as
> "from Monad M derive Applicative M; from Applicative M derive Functor M").
> But it has the advantage of allowing later addition of classes in the path,
> that would be derived when recompiling the code that uses it.

I want to support explicit intance derivation. But I'd like to suggest
slightly less radical syntax extention:

-- class definition:
class Fuctor m => Monad m
    return :: a -> m a
    (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
    (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
    join :: m (m a) -> m a

    -- default implementations:
   a >> b = a >>= (\_ -> b)
   a >>= f = join . fmap f $ a
   join a = a >>= id

   -- default instances:
   instance Functor m
       fmap f a = a >>= (return . f)

newtype Reader a b = Reader { runReader :: a -> b }

-- instace declaration:
instance Monad (Reader r)
    return = Reader . const
    m >>= f = Reader $ \r -> runReader (f (runReader m r)) r
  deriving (Functor)

So syntax changes are very minor.

Victor Nazarov

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