[Haskell-cafe] For class Monoid; better names than mempty & mappend might have been: mid (mident) & mbinop

KC kc1956 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 24 20:19:13 CEST 2011

I like the following but again "+" denotes addition and not a general
binary operation.

> I personally often define the alias:
> (<+>) = mappend

A lot of math books use "+" or "x" enclosed in a circle to indicate
that the usual meaning of "+" nor "x" is intended for the meaning of
the binary operation.

I can't figure out if this would compile, the inside "()" representing a circle.

((+)) = mappend

It would be easier for beginners to "grok".

>I don't think so... but while we're at it, what's with that weird name
>"Monoid" anyway, let alone "Functor", "Monad", etc.? ;-)

Ivan: I had thought those were words expressing valid mathematical concepts.

In order to find similarities between apparently different operations
& data one wants to reason abstractly; similar to mathematics.


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