[Haskell-cafe] For class Monoid; better names than mempty & mappend might have been: mid (mident) & mbinop

Arlen Cuss celtic at sairyx.org
Sun Jul 24 03:54:58 CEST 2011

On 24.07.2011 08:20, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:
> On 24 July 2011 04:41, KC <kc1956 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It would be easier for beginners to "grok".

I quite like mempty/mappend; they (f)map onto the [] instance as a mnemonic.

Similarly, MonadPlus (as a concept) maps to mzero/mplus quite well (and
it's distinguishing the sets of empty/append and zero/plus that helps me
remember which goes with what).

mid and mbinop seem a bit more arbitrary, and don't 'look' as nice to me
(though that's probably just because they're not as familiar as what we
already have).

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