[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: docidx-1.0.0

Andy Gimblett haskell at gimbo.org.uk
Fri Jul 15 14:38:17 CEST 2011

Hi all.  I'd like to announce docidx, a new tool for Haskell documentation:


docidx is a program which creates a static HTML page indexing your installed packages, with links to your local haddock docs and to each package's hackage page.  It covers global and user packages, and handles multiple installed versions sensibly.  Here's how the output looks:


The idea is to complement the "index by module name" which Cabal creates and maintains.  Sometimes you want to find things by package.  :-)  (But note that unlike Cabal's index, docidx's isn't automatically updated when you install a new package; so, I run it once an hour from cron.)

Please see the github page for more details, including customisation options.

Hopefully somebody will find this useful.  Maybe one day it could be part of cabal-install?  :-)



PS: A bit of history/due credit: Martijn van Steenbergen did something similar in PHP in early 2009: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/53531/focus=53572 ; then I wrote a static version in Python later that year: http://gimbo.org.uk/blog/2009/09/23/ ; then Andy Price ported that to Haskell: https://github.com/andyprice/docidx.hs ; finally, I rewrote that to build the index via Cabal rather than walking the filesystem directly - and here we are.

Andy Gimblett
haskell at gimbo.org.uk

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