[Haskell-cafe] ANN: fix-imports-0.1.2

Henning Thielemann schlepptop at henning-thielemann.de
Wed Jul 13 21:08:10 CEST 2011

On 12.07.2011 09:59, Evan Laforge wrote:
>> I meant more in the "Before: ... After: ..." sense ;-) (i.e. visually
>> being able to tell what your program does, rather than just a
>> description).
> Oh, ok, I guess I can do that too:
> Before:
> module M where
> import ZZ.Out.Of.Order
> import qualified No.Longer.Needed as Needed
> -- x = Needed.y -- just removed this
> y = New.something -- just added this
> After:
> module M where
> import qualified Heavily.Nested.New as New
> import ZZ.Out.Of.Order
> -- x = Needed.y -- just removed this
> y = New.something -- just added this

I also spend some time on managing imports. I'll try this program. 
However, usually I have a mix of qualified and unqualified imports, 
since some libraries are designed for unqualified imports.

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