[Haskell-cafe] Call for GUI examples - Functional Reactive Programming

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Fri Jul 8 09:51:24 CEST 2011

Jason Dagit wrote:
> Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>> Do you know any *small GUI programs* that you would *like* to see
>> *implemented with Functional Reactive Programming?*
>> I would love to hear your examples, so that I can try to convert them to FRP
>> style and test my library against them!
> How about a GUI for darcs?

This would involve a lot of functionality unrelated to GUIs. Could you 
break it down to a minimal "GUI-only" example that still gets the point 

> As someone who remains largely uninterested in FRP, I think it's
> mainly because toy examples can be done in many different styles
> without too much trouble.  Even if the style itself is not very nice.
> I guess what I'm saying is that I would find "real-world" examples
> more compelling.  Things that are substantial programs that require
> performance analysis, UI design work, etc.
> Maybe you can make an example that convinces me :)

Oh, but I'm not trying to convince you. Of what interest would your 
disinterest be to me? :P

My goal here is to test whether the reactive-banana library can already 
swim on its own or whether I need to add new primitives.

> More and more things are moving to the cloud these days.  Can you make
> a web app using FRP?

Yes, you can.


Of course, it's not possible/practical to use Haskell as a HTML 
scripting language at the moment.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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