[Haskell-cafe] Arrow instance of function type [a] -> [b]
Markus Läll
markus.l2ll at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 15:04:49 CEST 2011
Is it possible to define an Arrow instance of list to list functions?
Something like
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
type X a b = [a] -> [b]
instance Category X where
id = map Prelude.id
g . f = g Prelude.. f
instance Arrow X where
arr f = map f
first f = unzip >>> first f >>> uncurry zip
The problem is that it's not allowed to use partially applied type
synonyms. It is however possible to define a type synonym which value
is a partially applied type, but I haven't been able to figure out if
I could somehow use that fact in defining the X... Is it at all
possible, or is a newtype the only way to do it?
Markus Läll
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