[Haskell-cafe] Patterns for processing large but finite streams
Eugene Kirpichov
ekirpichov at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 12:22:42 CEST 2011
You're right, reifying stream processing functions seems indeed the
way to go - and that looks even more like arrows :)
I thought of something like this:
data SP i o = Yield [o] (Maybe (Maybe i -> SP i o))
"Scalar" functions like sum and length are just SP's that return a
single item in the output stream.
sum :: (Num a) => SP a a
sum = sum' 0 where sum' s = Yield [] $ Just $ maybe (Yield [s]
Nothing) (sum' . (s+))
Adjacent differences would be like "liftA2 (-) input laggedInput"
laggedInput would be like:
laggedInput :: SP i i
laggedInput = li Nothing
li maybePrev = Yield (maybe2list maybePrev) $ Just $ maybe empty (li . Just)
Looks like this can be made into an instance of Arrow and can be composed etc.
2011/7/1 Heinrich Apfelmus <apfelmus at quantentunnel.de>:
> Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
>>>> Plain old lazy lists do not allow me to combine multiple concurrent
>>>> computations, e.g. I cannot define average from sum and length.
>> I meant the average of the whole list - given a sumS and lengthS ("S"
>> for "Stream"), write meanS as something like liftS2 (/) sumS lengthS.
>> Or is that possible with lazy lists too?
>> (looks like arrows actually - which arrow is appropriate here?)
> That's a very good point. Just to clarify for everyone: Eugene wants to
> write the function average almost *literally* as
> average xs = sum xs / length xs
> but he wants the functions sum and length to fuse, so that the input
> stream xs is *not* shared as a whole.
> I have thought about this problem for a while actually and have observed the
> following:
> 1) You are not looking for a representation of streams, but for a
> representation of *functions* on streams. The essence of a function on
> streams is its case analysis of the input. Hence, the simplest solution is
> to make the case analysis explicit:
> data StringTo a = CaseOf a (Char -> StringTo a)
> -- function on a stream (here: String)
> interpret :: StringTo a -> (String -> a)
> interpret (CaseOf nil cons) [] = nil
> interpret (CaseOf nil cons) (x:xs) = interpret (cons x) xs
> instance Applicative StringTo where
> pure a = CaseOf a (const $ pure a)
> (CaseOf nil1 cons1) <*> (CaseOf nil2 cons2) =
> CaseOf (nil1 $ nil2) (\c -> cons1 c <*> cons2 c)
> length = go 0 where go n = CaseOf n (\_ -> go $! n+1)
> average = liftA2 (/) sum length
> In other words, if you reify case .. of expression , you will be able to
> fuse them.
> 2) If Haskell were to support some kind of evaluation under the lambda
> (partial evaluation, head normal form instead of weak head normal form), it
> would be unnecessary to make the case expressions implicit. Rather, the
> applicative instance could be written as follows
> instance Applicative ((->) String) where
> pure a = const a
> f <*> x = \cs -> case cs of
> [] -> f [] $ x []
> (c:cs) ->
> let f' cs = f (c:cs) -- partial evaluation on this
> x' cs = x (c:cs)
> in f' `partialseq` x' `partialseq` (f' <*> x') cs
> We could simply write
> average = liftA2 (/) sum length
> and everything would magically fuse.
> 3) John Hughes has already thought about this problem in his PhD thesis. :)
> (but it is not available for download on the internet, unfortunately. :( ).
> His solution was a SYNCHLIST primitive in conjunction with some sort of
> parallelism PAR. Basically, the SYNCHLIST primitive only allows simultaneous
> access to the input stream and the parallelism is used to make that
> simultaneity happen.
> Best regards,
> Heinrich Apfelmus
> --
> http://apfelmus.nfshost.com
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Eugene Kirpichov
Principal Engineer, Mirantis Inc. http://www.mirantis.com/
Editor, http://fprog.ru/
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