[Haskell-cafe] Typing problem
michael rice
nowgate at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 31 18:29:59 CET 2011
I'm mapping a function over a list of data, where the mapping function is
determined from the data.
g f l = map (g l) l
g serialize "prolog" -> [4,5,3,2,3,1]
But I'm having typing problems trying to do a similar thing with a function
that statistically normalizes data.
g normalize [2,5,3,2] -> [-0.7071067811865475,1.414213562373095,0.0,-0.7071067811865475]
Is my typing for normalize too loose. Should I be using Floating rather than Num?
See Problem 42, pg. 63, Prolog by Example, Coelho & Cotta
Generate a list of serial numbers for the items of a given list,
the members of which are to be numbered in alphabetical order.
*Main> serialize "prolog"
*Main> serialize "int.artificial"
*Main> ["prolog"] >>= serialize
*Main> ["int.artificial"] >>= serialize
import Data.Map hiding (map)
import Data.List
serialize :: [Char] -> [Int]
serialize l = map (f l) l
f = ((!) . fromList . ((flip zip) [1..]) . (sort . nub))
serialize :: (Ord a, Integral b) => [a] -> a -> b
serialize = ((!) . fromList . ((flip zip) [1..]) . (sort . nub))
g f l = map (f l) l
normalize :: (Num a, Num b) => [a] -> a -> b
normalize l = let (total,len) = sumlen l
avg = total/len
stdev = sqrt $ ((/) (len-1)) $ sum $ map ((** 2.0) . (subtract avg)) l
in ((/) stdev) . (subtract avg)
sumlen :: (Num a, Integral b) => [a] -> (a,b)
sumlen l = sumlen' l 0 0
where sumlen' [] sum len = (sum,len)
sumlen' (h:t) sum len = sumlen' t (sum+h) (len+1)
Prelude> :r
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( serialize2.hs, interpreted )
Could not deduce (Integral a) from the context (Num a, Num b)
arising from a use of `sumlen' at serialize2.hs:34:32-39
Possible fix:
add (Integral a) to the context of
the type signature for `normalize'
In the expression: sumlen l
In a pattern binding: (total, len) = sumlen l
In the expression:
(total, len) = sumlen l
avg = total / len
stdev = sqrt
$ ((/) (len - 1)) $ sum $ map ((** 2.0) . (subtract avg)) l
in (/ stdev) . (subtract avg)
Could not deduce (Floating a) from the context (Num a, Num b)
arising from a use of `**' at serialize2.hs:36:61-66
Possible fix:
add (Floating a) to the context of
the type signature for `normalize'
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `(** 2.0)'
In the first argument of `map', namely
`((** 2.0) . (subtract avg))'
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`map ((** 2.0) . (subtract avg)) l'
Couldn't match expected type `b' against inferred type `a'
`b' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for `normalize' at serialize2.hs:33:25
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for `normalize' at serialize2.hs:33:18
In the expression: (/ stdev) . (subtract avg)
In the expression:
(total, len) = sumlen l
avg = total / len
stdev = sqrt
$ ((/) (len - 1)) $ sum $ map ((** 2.0) . (subtract avg)) l
in (/ stdev) . (subtract avg)
In the definition of `normalize':
normalize l = let
(total, len) = sumlen l
avg = total / len
in (/ stdev) . (subtract avg)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
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