[Haskell-cafe] Question concerning Network.Curl.Opts

Michael Litchard michael at schmong.org
Sat Jan 15 00:44:31 CET 2011

I'm having trouble passing header strings properly, and I'd like some advice
on how to proceed. Below is a capture of what is being sent, versus what I
am trying to send. I won't include all code, only what I think is necessary.
If I have omitted something important, please let me know. How could I
discover what the cause of the discrepancy is?
Thanks again for any feedback.

Here's a snippet from the header, what is being sent.

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Cookie: domainLogonTicket=SLXa10225c6e8389b3eb181e3df5dcf08de;

^ compare this to CurlHttpHeaders

Here's the part of the source I think is relevant

> launch :: String -> String -> IO (Either String String)
> launch user pass = do
>  -- Initialize Curl
>   curl <- initCurl

>   -- Sequence of steps
>   let steps = do
>       curlResp curl urlInitial method_GET
>       curlResp curl urlLogin $ loginOpts user pass
>       curlResp curl urlFlash1 method_GET
>       curlResp curl urlFlash2 method_GET
>       curlResp curl urlGetResource resourceOpts    <---- here's where the
problem is revealed

>   runErrorT steps
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   -- username and password
>   user:pass:_ <- getArgs

>   -- Launch webpage
>   resp <- launch user pass

>   -- Response comes as Either String String
>   -- You have to handle each case
>   case resp of
>     Left  err  -> print err
>     Right body -> putStrLn body

> resourceOpts :: [CurlOption]
> resourceOpts =
>   [ CurlHttpHeaders
>     [ "Accept  text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*"
>     , "Accept-Language en-us,en;q=0.5"
>     , "Accept-Charset  ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"
>     , "Keep-Alive      115"
>     , "Connection      keep-alive"
>     , "X-Requested-With        XMLHttpRequest"
>     , "X-Prototype-Version"
>     ]
>     , CurlEncoding "gzip,deflate"
>     , CurlReferer ""
>   ]
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