[Haskell-cafe] Lazy cons, Stream-Fusion style?

Stephen Tetley stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 14:35:20 CET 2011

Hello all

Can a lazy cons be implemented for (infinite) Streams in the
Stream-Fusion style?

I'm trying to make a Stream library, hopefully efficient enough for
audio synthesis in the style of Jerzy Karczmarczuk's Clarion. As
performance is important, the obvious model is the Stream-Fusion
library, but 'cons' is problematic in this style.

With the normal, inductive definition of Streams (vis Wouter
Swierstra's Stream library), streams are sufficiently lazy:

data Stream a = a :< Stream

Using the laziness means that this definition of 'ones' is productive:

demo01 = take 10 ones
    ones = 1 <:> ones           -- (<:>) is stream-cons

However with Stream-Fusion, streams are not inductively defined,
instead they are unfold-like pair of a stepper function and a start

-- Some details removed...
data Stream a = forall st. Stream !(st -> Step a st) !st

For infinite Streams the Done constructor can be removed from the Step
type, a truly infinite is never done:

data Step a s = Yield a !s
              | Skip    !s
              | Done

Cons is strict - (:!:) is the constructor for a Strict pair, but the
strictness of the pair is irrelevant here (I think). Even with a lazy
pair the definition is too strict to be useful for 'ones' defined
above as it won't "stream" (S1 and S2 are the constructors of counting
/ flag datatype used to encode which state the iteration is in):

cons :: a -> Stream a -> Stream a
cons w (Stream next0 s0) = Stream next (S2 :!: s0)
    {-# INLINE next #-}
    next (S2 :!: s) = Yield w (S1 :!: s)
    next (S1 :!: s) = case next0 s of
        Done       -> Done
        Skip    s' -> Skip    (S1 :!: s')
        Yield x s' -> Yield x (S1 :!: s')

Here's a running example:

> {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports     #-}

> module SFrec where

> import qualified "stream-fusion" Data.Stream as S

-- The S.append1 construct is used to unwind a Stream
-- to a list so it can be printed

> bad_loopy :: [Int]
> bad_loopy = S.append1 (S.take 10 v) []
>   where
>     v = 1 `S.cons` v

> good_productive :: [Int]
> good_productive = S.append1 (S.take 10 v) []
>   where
>     v = S.repeat 1



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