[Haskell-cafe] Auto elimination of MVars using a monad or monad transformer.

Ryan Ingram ryani.spam at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 17:19:04 CET 2011

You might want to take a look at
http://hackage.haskell.org/package/Adaptivesince it seems really
similar to what you are trying to do.  In fact, you
might also want to google 'Functional Reactive Programming'.

  -- ryan

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:41 PM, Chris Dew <cmsdew at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, just like everyone else, I have a question about monads.  I've
> read the tutorials, written one monad myself (not in this email), but
> I still consider myself a Haskell beginner.
> * Does GHC eliminate unneeded MVars during compilation?
> I'm expecting that it doesn't, as that would mean optimising away
> ForkIOs, which would be quite a thing to do.  I've included example
> code below.
> * Is there a monad which allows their automatic elimination of MVars
> (or their creation only when necessary)?
> This would be similar to how the IO monad allows you to do purely
> functional things with a do block, using let.
> I've had a go at a lifting function, which wraps a pure function into
> an IO action which forever reads from one MVar and writes to another.
> What I'm looking for is some form of Monadic context in which many
> pure functions, MVar fillers and MVar consumers could be linked
> together, where only the necessary MVars remain (or were created) at
> compilation time.
> * Would this be a monad, or a monad transformer?
> * Can you specialise a monad transformer on a single base (in this
> case IO) so that you can use forkIO in the bind or return?
> Thanks,
> Chris.
> module Main (
> main
> )
> where
> import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar,
> takeMVar, ThreadId, threadDelay)
> import Control.Monad (forever)
> stepA :: MVar String -> IO ()
> stepA boxa = forever $ do
>                      line <- getLine
>                      putMVar boxa line
> stepB :: MVar String -> IO ()
> stepB boxb = forever $ do
>                      line <- takeMVar boxb
>                      putStrLn line
> -- This simply wraps a string in brackets.
> bracket :: String -> String
> bracket x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"
> -- This lifts a function into an action which forever performs the function
> -- between the two MVars given.
> lft :: (a -> b) -> MVar a -> MVar b -> IO ()
> lft f c d = forever $ do
>                     x <- takeMVar c
>                     putMVar d (f x)
> -- Just like C's main.
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>      box <- newEmptyMVar
>      box2 <- newEmptyMVar
>      forkIO $ stepA box
>      forkIO $ lft bracket box box2
>      forkIO $ stepB box2
>      threadDelay 10000000 -- Sleep for at least 10 seconds before exiting.
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