[Haskell-cafe] monadic plumbing
Alberto G. Corona
agocorona at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 22:03:56 CET 2011
Recently I had to navigatate trough data structures chained with mutable
referenes in th STM monad. The problem is that their values are enveloped in
Either or Maybe results.
functional compositions in the Either of Maybe , or list monads are not
possible when the values are embedded inside effect monads (i.e. STM or IO)
. I tried to find some trick to handle it.
to summarize, given:
foo, : a -> m (Maybe b)
bar : b -> m (Maybe c)
baz : c -> m (Maybe d)
how to compose foo bar and baz? Or, at least, Are something out there to
handle it in the less painful way?.
I solved the generalized problem (chaining any double monadic combination)
with a sort of monadic connector that acts as a " double monadic" operator
>>>>== so that
return. return (x :: a) >>>>== foo >>>== bar >>>== baz
can be possible. Although I don't know if it is the best solution. I wonder
why nobody has written about it before:
class (Monad m, Monad n) => Bimonad m n where
(>>>=) :: n a -> (a -> m(n b)) -> m(n b)
(>>>>==) :: (Bimonad m n) => m (n a) -> (a -> m(n b)) -> m (n b)
(>>>>==) x f = x >>= \y -> y >>>= f
x >>>> f = x >>>>== \ _-> f
infixl 1 >>>>==, >>>>
The instance for handling the Maybe monad under any other monad is very
similar to the definition of the "normal" monad:
instance (Monad m) => Bimonad m Maybe where
Just x >>>= f = f x
Nothing >>>= _ = return $ Nothing
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