[Haskell-cafe] ghci command line execution

Henning Thielemann schlepptop at henning-thielemann.de
Mon Feb 14 19:49:32 CET 2011

Thomas Davie schrieb:
> A while ago I remember someone showing me some tool, I *think* ghci that allowed you to pass it a function of type String -> String as an input, and have it simply run that function on stdin (presumably using interact) to achieve useful things like this...
> $ cat myFile.txt | ghci -e 'unlines . zipWith (\x y -> show x ++ " " ++ y) [1..] . lines'
> Does anyone know what it was that I saw being used here?

It must be just 'ghc' not 'ghci' and yes, 'interact' must be called.

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