[Haskell-cafe] Beginner: (Another) Binary Search Tree Question
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 12 16:05:21 CET 2011
On Saturday 12 February 2011 15:52:29, htc2011 wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just started learning Haskell but am having some trouble getting the
> insertion into a binary search tree to
> work and was hoping that somebody could advise me on a possible
> solution. Thanks.
> Given the data type definition of the tree to be:
> Code:
> data Ord a => BST a = EmptyBST | Node ( BST a ) a ( BST a ) deriving
> (Show,
> Eq)
> And the insertion function to be:
> Code:
> insert v EmptyBST = Node EmptyBST v EmptyBST
> insert v (Node b a c)
> | v<= a = Node a ( insert v b ) c
> | otherwise = Node a b ( insert v c )
You got the argument order wrong here, it should be tree-value-tree, but
you wrote value-tree-tree on both right hand sides (that would mean that a
and BST a are the same type, which would be an infinite type).
> GHCI keeps telling me that I 'cannot construct an infinite type':
> ' Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a = BST (BST a)
> Expected type: BST a -> BST (BST a) -> a
> Inferred type: BST a -> BST (BST a) -> BST (BST a)
> In the second argument of `Node', namely `(insert v b)'
> In the expression: Node a (insert v b) c'
> Upon adding the following signature:
> Code:
> insert :: Ord a => a -> BST a -> BST a
> I get: Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type.
> Sorry, but I'm quite lost. Any thoughts?
> Thanks.
> Benjamin
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