[Haskell-cafe] [Cabal-devel] Cabal && license combinations

Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wallace at me.com
Thu Feb 10 22:03:46 CET 2011

On 10 Feb 2011, at 17:38, Antoine Latter wrote:
> So no, the instant of compilation is not when the transitive
> dependencies kick in, it is the publication of compiled binaries,
> which in my mind is a pretty specialized case.

This is possibly the most important point to emphasise, of which many  
people seem unaware.  If you expect to receive an open source  
application from someone else as source code, and build it yourself,  
then almost by the definition of Open Source, you are already in  
compliance with all licences.

It is only those, comparatively few, people who build binaries and  
give them to other people *as binaries* who even need to think about  
licensing issues.


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