[Haskell-cafe] Extending GHCi
Steffen Schuldenzucker
sschuldenzucker at uni-bonn.de
Fri Feb 4 17:26:44 CET 2011
Ok, so someFunction should modify the server's configuration? Maybe you
can model it with an IORef like this (untested!):
> import Data.IORef
> type Config = String -- String to be prepended to every answer
> someFunction :: String -> IORef Config -> IORef Config
> someFunction s r = modifyIORef s (++ s)
> startMyServer :: IO (IORef Config)
> startMyServer = do
> r <- newIORef ""
> forkIO $ runServer r
> return r
> runServer :: IORef -> IO ()
> runServer r = do
> client <- waitForAndAcceptConnection
> request <- getSomeData client
> prep <- readIORef r
> sendSomeAnswer client $ prep ++ request
> runServer r
And then:
*MyModule> r <- startMyServer
(plain echo server running)
*MyModule> someFunction "hello" r
(now echo server with prepend "hello")
*MyModule> someFunction "world" r
(now echo server with prepend "helloworld")
-- Steffen
On 02/04/2011 03:41 PM, C K Kashyap wrote:
> Thanks Steffen,
> Prelude> :l MyModule.hs
> *MyModule> conn <- waitForAndAcceptConnection
> *MyModule> someData <- getSomeData conn
> *MyModule> sendSomeAnswer conn $ processSomeData someData
> ...
> So this cycle of getting data from the connection and writing answer
> on the connection should happen concurrently with the ghci interaction
> ... so lets say that when the "thread" is forked that listens on
> socket behaves like an echo server ... as in, it reads data from the
> client till "\n" and echoes it back ... All this would happen without
> the intervention of the user using GHCI ... However, using GHCI, the
> user should be able to modify the code such that the server returns
> "hello" prepended to the input. ..
> > startMyServer -- at this point the the echo server gets spawned
> > -- echo server continues to run
> > someFunction "hello" --- now onwards hello gets prepended
> > --- echo server continues to run returning
> "hello" prepended
> > someFunction "world" --- now onwards "helloworld" get
> I hope this is possible without having to modify ghci itself.
> Regards,
> Kashyap
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