[Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Fri Dec 30 18:19:20 CET 2011

Conal Elliott wrote:
> Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>> The function
>>  f :: Int -> IO Int
>>  f x = getAnIntFromTheUser >>= \i -> return (i+x)
>> is pure according to the common definition of "pure" in the context of
>> purely functional programming. That's because
>>  f 42 = f (43-1) = etc.
>> Put differently, the function always returns the same IO action, i.e. the
>> same value (of type  IO Int) when given the same parameter.
> Two questions trouble me:
> How can we know whether this claim is true or not?
> What does the claim even mean, i.e., what does "the same IO action" mean,
> considering that we lack a denotational model of IO?

I think you can put at least these troubles to rest by noting that  f 42 
  and  f (43-1)  are intentionally equal, even though you're not 
confident on their extensional meaning.

The idea is to represent IO as an abstract data type

     type IO' a = Program IOInstr a

     data Program instr a where
         Return :: a -> Program instr a
         Then   :: instr a -> (a -> Program instr b) -> Program instr b

     instance Monad (Program instr) where
         return = Return
         (Return a)   >>= g = g a
         (i `Then` f) >>= g = i `Then` (\x -> f x >>= g)

     date IOInstr a where
         PutChar :: Char -> IOInstr ()
         GetChar :: IOInstr Char

So, two values of type  IO' a  are equal iff their "program codes" are 
equal (= intensional equality), and this is indeed the case for  f 42 
and  f (43-1) . Therefore, the (extensional) interpretations of these 
values by GHC  are equal, too, even though you don't think we know what 
these interpretations are.

(Of course, programs with different source code may be extensionally 
equal, i.e. have the same effects. That's something we would need a 
semantics of IO for.)

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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