[Haskell-cafe] Reifying case expressions [was: Re: On stream processing, and a new release of timeplot coming]

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Tue Dec 27 13:09:51 CET 2011

Sebastian Fischer wrote:
> Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>> Likewise, each function from lists can be represented in terms of our new
>> data type [...]
>>    length' :: ListTo a Int
>>    length' = CaseOf
>>        (0)
>>        (\x -> fmap (1+) length')
>>    length = interpret length'
> This version of `length` is tail recursive while the previous version is
> not. In general, all functions defined in terms of `ListTo` and `interpret`
> are spine strict - they return a result only after consuming all input list
> constructors.
> This is what Eugene observed when defining the identity function as
>     idC = CaseOf [] (\x -> (x:) <$> idC)
> This version does not work for infinite lists. Similarly, `head` and `take`
> cannot be defined as lazily as in the standard libraries.

Indeed, the trouble is that my original formulation cannot return a 
result before it has evaluated all the case expressions. To include 
laziness, we need a way to return results early.

Sebastian's  ListTransformer  type does precisely that for the special 
case of lists as results, but it turns out that there is also a 
completely generic way of returning results early. In particular, we can 
leverage lazy evaluation for the result type.

The idea is, of course, to reify another function. This time, it's going 
to be  fmap

     data ListTo a b where
         Fmap   :: (b -> c) -> ListTo a b -> ListTo a c
         CaseOf :: b -> (a -> ListTo a b) -> ListTo a b

(GADT syntax due to the existential quantification implied by Fmap ). To 
see why this works, have a look at the interpreter

     interpret :: ListTo a b -> ([a] -> b)
     interpret (Fmap f g)        = fmap f (interpret g)
     interpret (CaseOf nil cons) = \ys -> case ys of
         []     -> nil
         (x:xs) -> interpret (cons x) xs

In the case of functions, fmap  is simply function concatenation

     fmap f (interpret g) = f . interpret g

Now, the point is that our interpretation returns part of the result 
early whenever  the function  f  is lazy and returns part of the result 
early. For instance, we can write the identity function as

     idL :: ListTo a [a]
     idL = CaseOf [] $ \x -> Fmap (x:) idL

When interpreted, this function will perform a pattern match on the 
input list first, but then the  Fmap  will ensure that we return the 
first element of the result. This seems incredible, so I encourage the 
reader to check this by looking at the reduction steps for the expression

     interpret idL (1:⊥)

To summarize, we do indeed have  id = interpret idL .

Of course, the result type is not restricted to lists, any other type 
will do. For instance, here the definition of a short-circuiting  and

     andL :: ListTo Bool Bool
     andL = CaseOf True $ \b -> Fmap (\c -> if b then c else False) andL

     testAnd = interpret andL (True:False:undefined)
     -- *ListTo> testAnd
     -- False

With the right applicative instance, it also possible to implement  take 
and friends, see also the example code at


Essentially, the  Fmap  constructor also allows us to define a properly 
lazy function  const .

> To avoid confusion, I chose new names for my new types.
>     data ListConsumer a b
>       = Done !b
>       | Continue !b (a -> ListConsumer a b)

I know that you chose these names to avoid confusion, but I would like 
to advertise again the idea of choosing the *same* names for the 
constructors as the combinators they represent

     data ListConsumer a b
         = Const b
         | CaseOf b (a -> ListConsumer a b)

     interpret :: ListConsumer a b -> ([a] -> b)
     interpret (Const b)         = const b
     interpret (CaseOf nil cons) = \ys -> case ys of
         []     -> nil
         (x:xs) -> interpret (const x) xs

This technique for designing data structures has the huge advantage that 
it's immediately clear how to interpret it and which laws are supposed 
to hold. Especially in the case of lists, I think that this approach 
clears up a lot of confusion about seemingly new concepts like Iteratees 
and so on: Iteratees are just ordinary functions [a] -> b, albeit with a 
slightly different representation in terms of familiar combinators like 
  case of, const, or fmap.

The "turn combinators into constructors" technique is the staple of 
designing combinator libraries and goes back to at least Hughes' famous 

   John Hughes. The Design of a Pretty-printing Library. (1995)

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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