[Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

Hans Aberg haberg-1 at telia.com
Mon Dec 26 18:20:55 CET 2011

On 26 Dec 2011, at 16:11, AUGER Cédric wrote:

>> There is
>>  http://www.stixfonts.org/
>> For typesetting with Xe[La]TeX or Lua[La]TeX, use XITS (in the
>> TeXLive package).
>>> (And then we'll have to deal with folks trying to use the letter,
>>> because everyone knows the Roman alphabet is the only one that
>>> matters and of *course* Greek letters are symbol characters....
>>> Pfeh.)
>> This is the big problem right now: how to enter these symbols
>> efficiently.
> Under Xorg, "XCompose" might be your friend! I have a whole bunch of
> them for Coq programing.
> Having something like:
> ---------8<---------------------------------------------------------
> # ~/.XCompose contents:
> # the Compose file of the xorg distribution to have a lot
> # of useful symbols such as "☭" ^^
> include "/usr/local/lib/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose"
> # the Compose file that could be included in Haskell distributions
> include "/usr/local/share/haskell/Compose"
> # other personnal notations
> ------->8-----------------------------------------------------------
> # /usr/local/share/haskell/Compose contents:
> # maybe to be downloaded via a Hackage cabal package?
> # of course "<Multi_key> <H>" should be replaced by a
> # user specified combo
> <Multi_key> <H> <colon> <colon> : "∷"
> <Multi_key> <H> <greater> <greater> <greater> : "⋙"
> <Multi_key> <H> <less> <less> <less> : "⋘"
> <Multi_key> <H> <less> <minus> <less> : "↢" U2919
> <Multi_key> <H> <greater> <minus> <greater> : "↣" U291A
> <Multi_key> <H> <minus> <less> <less> : U291B
> <Multi_key> <H> <greater> <greater> <minus> : U291C
> <Multi_key> <H> <a> <l> <l> : "∀"
> <Multi_key> <H> <e> <x> : "∃"
> <Multi_key> <H> <a> <n> <d> : "∧"
> <Multi_key> <H> <o> <r> : "∨"
> <Multi_key> <H> <a> <b> <s> <t> : "λ"
> <Multi_key> <H> <c> <o> <m> <p> : "∘"
> <Multi_key> <H> <minus> <greater> : "→"
> --------8<----------------------------------------------------------
> But if you are under Windows, or Mac OS, I cannot tell (as well as I
> cannot tell if you are under a POSIX system not running xorg, such as
> the tty1..ttyn consoles)

On OS X one can make ones owns key maps, like with the program on the link below, but it is very time consuming.



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