[Haskell-cafe] Reifying case expressions [was: Re: On stream processing, and a new release of timeplot coming]
Heinrich Apfelmus
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Sun Dec 25 11:25:22 CET 2011
Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
> In the last couple of days I completed my quest of making my graphing
> utility timeplot ( http://jkff.info/software/timeplotters ) not load the
> whole input dataset into memory and consequently be able to deal with
> datasets of any size, provided however that the amount of data to *draw* is
> not so large. On the go it also got a huge speedup - previously visualizing
> a cluster activity dataset with a million events took around 15 minutes and
> a gig of memory, now it takes 20 seconds and 6 Mb max residence.
> (I haven't yet uploaded to hackage as I have to give it a bit more testing)
> The refactoring involved a number of interesting programming patterns that
> I'd like to share with you and ask for feedback - perhaps something can be
> simplified.
> The source is at http://github.com/jkff/timeplot
> The datatype of incremental computations is at
> https://github.com/jkff/timeplot/blob/master/Tools/TimePlot/Incremental.hs .
> Strictness is extremely important here - the last memory leak I eliminated
> was lack of bang patterns in teeSummary.
Your StreamSummary type has a really nice interpretation: it's a
reification of case expressions.
For instance, consider the following simple function from lists to integers
length :: [a] -> Int
length xs = case xs of
[] -> 0
(y:ys) -> 1 + length ys
We want to reify the case expression as constructor of a data type. What
type should it have? Well, a case expression maps a list xs to a
result, here of type Int, via two cases: the first case gives a result
and the other maps a value of type a to a function from lists to
results again. This explanation was probably confusing, so I'll just go
ahead and define a data type that represents functions from lists [a]
to some result of type r
data ListTo a r = CaseOf r (a -> ListTo a r)
interpret :: ListTo a r -> ([a] -> r)
interpret (CaseOf nil cons) xs =
case xs of
[] -> nil
(y:ys) -> interpret (cons y) ys
As you can see, we are just mapping each CaseOf constructor back to a
built-in case expression.
Likewise, each function from lists can be represented in terms of our
new data type: simply replace all built-in case expressions with the new
length' :: ListTo a Int
length' = CaseOf
(\x -> fmap (1+) length')
length = interpret length'
The CaseOf may look a bit weird, but it's really just a straightforward
translation of the case expression you would use to define the function
go instead.
Ok, this length function is really inefficient because it builds a huge
expression of the form (1+(1+...)). Let's implement a strict variant
lengthL :: ListTo a Int
lengthL = go 0
go !n = CaseOf (n) (\x -> go (n+1))
While we're at it, let's translate two more list functions
foldL' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> ListTo a b
foldL' f b = Case b (\a -> foldL' f $! f b a)
sumL :: ListTo Int Int
sumL = foldL' (\b a -> a+b) 0
And now we can go for the point of this message: unlike ordinary
functions from lists, we can compose these in lock-step! In particular,
the following applicative instance
instance Applicative (ListTo a) where
pure b = CaseOf b (const $ pure b)
(CaseOf f fs) <*> (CaseOf x xs) =
CaseOf (f x) (\a -> fs a <*> xs a)
allows us to write a function
average :: ListTo Int Double
average = divide <$> sumL <*> lengthL
divide a b = fromIntegral a / fromIntegral b
that runs in constant space! Why does this work? Well, since we can now
inspect case expressions, we can choose to evaluate them in lock-step,
essentially computing sum and length with just one pass over the
input list. Remember that the original definition
average xs = sum xs / length xs
has a space leak because the input list xs is being shared.
1. Reified case expressions are, of course, the same thing as Iteratees,
modulo chunking and weird naming.
2. My point is topped by scathing irony: if Haskell had a form of
*partial evaluation*, we could write applicative combinators for
*ordinary* functions [a] -> r and express average in constant space.
In other words, partial evaluation would make it unnecessary to reify
case expressions for the purpose of controlling performance / space leaks.
Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus
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