[Haskell-cafe] Existential question

Felipe Almeida Lessa felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Sun Aug 21 14:18:22 CEST 2011

(Code from this e-mail attached.)

On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 7:22 AM, Tom Schouten <tom at zwizwa.be> wrote:
> Yes, but I run into the same problem.
> data Kl i o = forall s. Kl (i -> s -> (s, o))

You actually forgot the 's' field of KI in my e-mail.  If you define

  data KI i o = forall s. KI s (i -> s -> (s, o))
  instance Category KI where ...
  instance Arrow KI where ...

You can make

  instance ArrowApply KI where
      app = KI () $ \(KI s u, b) _ -> ((), snd $ u b s)

But this is probably very uninteresting, since the state is just thrown away.

However, if you used

  data KIT i o = forall s. Typeable s => KIT s (i -> s -> (s, o))
  instance Category KIT where ...
  instance Arrow KIT where ...

You could make

  instance ArrowApply KIT where
      app = KIT (toDyn ()) $
              \(KIT s u, b) dyn -> first toDyn $ u b (fromDyn dyn s)

This app operator behaves as KI's app when the argument is not very
well behaving (i.e. changing the state type).  However, when the
argument does behave well, it is given the associated state only once.
 All further iterations work as they should.

Note that since ArrowApply is equivalent to Monad, you may also try
going the other way around.  That is, define

  data KIM o = forall s. KIM s (s -> (s, o))

  instance Monad KIM where
      return x = KIM () $ \_ -> ((), x)
      KIM sx ux >>= f = KIM sx u
            u sx' = let (tx, i) = ux sx'
                    in case f i of
                         KIM sf uf -> let (_, o) = uf sf
                                      in (tx, o)

I haven't checked, but I think that 'Kleisli KIM' is isomorphic to
'KI', and that 'ArrowMonad KI' is isomorphic to 'KIM'.

You may also define

  data KIMT o = forall s. Typeable s => KIMT s (s -> (s, o))

  instance Monad KIMT where
      return x = KIMT () $ \_ -> ((), x)
      KIMT sx ux >>= f = KIMT (sx, toDyn ()) u
            u (sx', dyn) = let (tx, i) = ux sx'
                           in case f i of
                                KIMT sf uf ->
                                    let (tf,  o) = uf (fromDyn dyn sf)
                                    in ((tx, toDyn tf), o)

And the same conjecture applies between 'Kleisli KIMT' and 'KIT', and
between 'KIMT' and 'ArrowMonad KIT'.

Conclusion: Data.Typeable lets you cheat =).


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