[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Chell: A quiet test runner (low-output alternative to test-framework)

trystan.s at comcast.net trystan.s at comcast.net
Thu Aug 11 21:47:07 CEST 2011

As Greg pointed out, HSpec does have an option to output just the failed tests. I looked at the example on the Chell project home page and converted the example tests into these hspec style specs:

> import Test.Hspec (Specs, descriptions, describe, it)
> import Test.Hspec.Runner (hHspecWithFormat)
> import Test.Hspec.Formatters (failed_examples)
> import Test.Hspec.HUnit
> import Test.HUnit
> import System.IO (stdout)
> -- some functions to test
> equal = (==)
> greater = (>)
> equalWithin = undefined
> equalLines = (==)
> specs :: IO Specs
> specs = descriptions [
>     describe "number comparison module" [
>         it "can check for equality"
>             (assertBool "1 should equal 1" $ equal 1 1),
>         it "can compare order"
>             (assertBool "2 should be greater than 1" $ greater 2 1),
>         it "can compare eqauality with floating point numbers" 
>             (assertBool "1.0001 should be close enough to 1.0" $ equalWithin 1.0001 1.0 0.01)
>     ],
>     describe "text comparison module" [
>         it "can compare strings for equality"
>             (let str1 = "foo\nbar\nbaz" :: String
>                  str2 = "foo\nbar\nqux" :: String
>              in assertBool "foo\\nbar\\nbaz shouldn't equal foo\\nbar\\nqux" $ equalLines str1 str2)
>     ]]
> main = hHspecWithFormat (failed_examples True) stdout specs

And when run, got the following output in red text since it's only reporting failures:

]  x can compare eqauality with floating point numbers FAILED [1]
]  x can compare strings for equality FAILED [2]
] 1) number comparison module can compare eqauality with floating point numbers FAILED
] Prelude.undefined
] 2) text comparison module can compare strings for equality FAILED
] foo\nbar\nbaz shouldn't equal foo\nbar\nqux
] Finished in 0.0000 seconds
] 4 examples, 2 failures

You can write provide your own formatter if that's not what you'd like to see. You also don't have to use the HUnit assertion text either; you could use the following function to make your specs even more like your Chell example, at the cost of losing the extra output description:

> assert = assertBool ""

Hspec uses HUnit TestCases and assertions but also supports QuickCheck properties almost exactly the same way Chell does. The hspec project homepage (https://github.com/trystan/hspec) has more examples, including the specs for hspec itself.

Trystan Spangler

From: "John Millikin" <jmillikin at gmail.com> 
To: "Greg Weber" <greg at gregweber.info> 
Cc: "trystan s" <trystan.s at comcast.net>, haskell-cafe at haskell.org 
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:21:52 AM 
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: Chell: A quiet test runner (low-output alternative to test-framework) 

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 08:17, Greg Weber <greg at gregweber.info> wrote: 
> I am confused also, as to both what output you don't like that motivated 
> chell and what exactly hspec silences :) Suffice to say I am able to get a 
> small relevant error message on failure with hspec. I am adding the hspec 
> maintainer to this e-mail- he can answer any of your questions. 

The output I didn't like wasn't coming from HUnit, it was coming from 
the test aggregator I used (test-framework). It prints one line per 
test case run, whether it passed or failed. 

That means every time I ran my test suite, it would print *thousands* 
of lines to the terminal. Any failure immediately scrolled up and out 
of sight, so I'd have to either Ctrl-C and hunt it down, or wait for 
the final report when all the tests had finished running. 

Chell does the same thing as test-framework (aggregates tests into 
suites, runs them, reports results), but does so quietly. It only 
reports failed and aborted tests. 

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