[Haskell-cafe] Analyzing slow performance of a Haskell program

Max Bolingbroke batterseapower at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 7 10:52:20 CEST 2011

On 7 August 2011 06:15, Chris Yuen <kizzx2+haskell at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am mainly interested in making the Haskell version perform
> comparatively to the C# version. Right now it is at least 5x slower so
> obviously I am missing something obvious)

You have a "map" call which is immediately consumed by "solve". GHCs
fusion wont' help you because "solve" is not defined in terms of
foldr. Fusing this manually (http://hpaste.org/49936) you can get 10%

Another source of problems is the divMod calls. There are two issues:
  1. The result of the divMod is a pair of boxed Int64s. This can be
worked around by using div and mod seperately instead, but that is
actually slower even though it avoids the boxing.
  2. The divMod is "checked": i.e. it throws a Haskell exception if
the first argument is minBound or the second is 0. This means that
divMod does two equality checks and one unboxing operation (which will
just be an always-taken branch, thanks to pointer tagging) before it
actually reaches GHC.Base.divInt#

If I use divInt# and modInt# directly like so:

wordLength' :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64
wordLength' !pad !n@(I64# n#)
    | n < 10         = lenOnes n + pad
    | n < 20         = lenTeens (n-10) + pad
    | n < 100        = splitterTen
    | n < 1000       = splitter 100 7
    | n < 1000000    = splitter 1000 8
    | otherwise      = splitter 1000000 7
        splitterTen = let -- !(!t, !x) =  n `divMod` 10
                          t = n# `divInt#` 10#
                          x = n# `modInt#` 10#
                      in wordLength' (lenTens (I64# t) + pad) (I64# x)
        splitter !(I# d#) !suffix = let -- !(!t, !x) = n `divMod` d
                                  t = n# `divInt#` d#
                                  x = n# `modInt#` d#
                              in wordLength' (wordLength' (suffix+pad)
(I64# t)) (I64# x)

We sacrifice these checks but the code gets 25% faster again.

I can't see anything else obviously wrong with the core, so the
remaining issues are likely to be things like loop unrolling, turning
div by a constant int divisor into a multiply and other code
generation issues. I tried -fllvm but it has no effect. At a guess,
this is because optimisations are impeded by the call to stg_gc_fun in
the stack check that solve makes.

In short I don't see how to get further without changing the algorithm
or doing some hacks like manual unrolling. Maybe someone else has some


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