[Haskell-cafe] strictness properties of monoidal folds

Sebastian Fischer fischer at nii.ac.jp
Tue Aug 2 06:16:07 CEST 2011

Hello Cafe,

left- and rightwards folds come in strict and lazy variants foldl/fold' and
foldr/foldr' which makes sense because strict versions sometimes use less
stack space while lazy versions support infinite data. For example,

    head (foldr (:) [] [1..])

returns in an instant while

    head (foldr' (:) [] [1..])

diverges. On the other hand

    foldl' (flip (:)) 0 [1..10^9]

runs in constant space while

    foldl (flip (:)) 0 [1..10^9]

consumes all memory available on my machine (at least without optimizations.
With optimizations GHC's strictness analyzer seems to be smart enough to
make the accumulator strict.)

Data.Foldable also provides the monoidal fold function foldMap. It is left
unspecified whether the elements are accumulated leftwards, rightwards or in
some other way, which is possible because the combining function is required
to be associative. Does this additional freedom for implementors go so far
as to allow for strict accumulation? Is it safe to implement foldMap
(without prime) with a strict accumulator or are there examples where lazy
accumulation is useful like in the above foldr example and distinguishable
from strict accumulation without breaking the monoid laws?


P.S. I thought the `Last` monoid would be an example that requires a lazy
accumulator but it is not because the `Just` constructor guards list
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