[Haskell-cafe] logic and types

wren ng thornton wren at freegeek.org
Mon Aug 1 08:57:23 CEST 2011

On 8/31/11 6:48 PM, Patrick Browne wrote:
> Hi,
> Below are some questions about the logical interpretation of types and
> type classes.
> -- Is this an axiom at type level?

It depends how exactly you mean "axiom". Under some interpretations, 
Haskell has no way to specify axioms, since all specifications are 
accompanied by their definitions (e.g., types are defined by their 
constructors, classes are defined by their members, functions are 
defined by their expressions). In other words, there is nothing which 
lacks computational content. In contrast, systems like Coq and Agda do 
have mechanisms for asserting axioms.

> -- forall a. (Pos a) =>  a ->  Position
> -- How do I write this in logic? (e.g. implies, and, or, etc)
> -- What exactly is being asserted about the type variable and/or about
> the class?
> -- I am not sure of the respective roles of =>  and ->  in a logical context

Loosely speaking,

     * forall translates to universal quantification,
     * classes and type constructors translate to predicates,
     * type/data families translate to functions in the logic,
     * the arrows translate to implications,
     * products/tuples translate to conjunction,
     * coproducts/unions translate to disjunction,

I'm hedging here because the exact translation will depend on what sort 
of semantics you want to get out of the logic. For example: the 
distinction between the (=>) and (->) arrows could be ignored since they 
both represent implication; however, there are distinctions about which 
one can be used where, and that would be lost if we pretend they're 
identical. Similarly, the extent to which tuples/unions are actually 
con-/disjunction depends on what sort of entailments you want to 
consider valid (consider, for example, if we moved to a language with 
linear or affine types).

> -- Is the following a fact at type level, class level or both?
> instance Pos Person where
>    getPos (Person i p) = p

Types and classes are at the same level, they're just in different 
syntactic categories. This instance is declaring the validity of the fact:

     Pos Person

And is proving that fact by giving a proof for all the type class 
methods. In particular, it is giving the proof

     \ (Person i p) -> p

for getPos at Person.

> -- Is it the evaluation or the type checking that provides a proof of
> type correctness?
> -- getPos(Person "1" 2)

Type checking provides the proof of type correctness. However, note that 
Haskell is an inconsistent logic--- all types are inhabited. So while we 
can prove type correctness at compile time, that doesn't necessarily 
guarantee logical correctness (since we may have used inconsistencies 
somewhere important).

Live well,

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