[Haskell-cafe] Iteratee: manyToOne

Felipe Almeida Lessa felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 19:37:41 CEST 2011

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Felipe Almeida Lessa
<felipe.lessa at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:09 PM, Felipe Almeida Lessa
> <felipe.lessa at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I foresee one problem: what is the leftover of 'manyToOne xs' if each
>> x in xs needs different lengths of input?
>> One possible untested-but-compiling solution:
> [snip]
> Like I said, that manyToOne implementation isn't very predictable
> about leftovers.  But I guess that if all your iteratees consume the
> same input OR if you don't care about leftovers, then it should be
> okay.

Sorry for replying to myself again. =)

I think you can actually give predictable semantics to manyToOne:
namely, the leftovers from the last iteratee are returned.  This new
implementation should be better:

import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import qualified Data.Enumerator as E

manyToOne :: Monad m => [E.Iteratee a m b] -> E.Iteratee a m [b]
manyToOne is = E.Iteratee $ mapM E.runIteratee is >>=
                            E.runIteratee . go
      go [step]              = fmap (:[]) (E.returnI step)
      go (E.Yield b _  : xs) = fmap (b:)  (go xs)
      go (E.Error exc  : _)  = E.returnI (E.Error exc)
      go (E.Continue f : xs) = E.continue $ go' (E.Continue f : xs)
      go []                  = return []

      go' xs stream = manyToOne $ feed xs
          feed [E.Yield b s]       = [E.yield b (s `mappend` stream)]
          feed (E.Continue f : ys) = f stream       : feed ys
          feed (step         : ys) = E.returnI step : feed ys
          feed []                  = []

With the same test as before:

*Main> E.run $ E.enumList 1 [5 :: Int, 6, 7] E.$$ manyToOne [return 1,
maybe 2 id `fmap` E.head, return 3, maybe 4 id `fmap` (E.head >>
E.head)] >>= \xs -> (,) xs `fmap` E.head
Right ([1,5,3,6],Just 7)
*Main> E.run $ E.enumList 10 [5 :: Int, 6, 7] E.$$ manyToOne [return
1, maybe 2 id `fmap` E.head, return 3, maybe 4 id `fmap` (E.head >>
E.head)] >>= \xs -> (,) xs `fmap` E.head
Right ([1,5,3,6],Just 7)

When the last iteratee doesn't consume anything:

*Main> E.run $ E.enumList 1 [5 :: Int, 6, 7] E.$$ manyToOne [return 1,
maybe 2 id `fmap` E.head, return 3, maybe 4 id `fmap` (E.head >>
E.head), return 10] >>= \xs -> (,) xs `fmap` E.head
Right ([1,5,3,6,10],Just 5)
*Main> E.run $ E.enumList 10 [5 :: Int, 6, 7] E.$$ manyToOne [return
1, maybe 2 id `fmap` E.head, return 3, maybe 4 id `fmap` (E.head >>
E.head), return 10] >>= \xs -> (,) xs `fmap` E.head
Right ([1,5,3,6,10],Just 5)



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