[Haskell-cafe] Inputs to classic FRP: unsafeInterleaveIO/unsafePerformIO

Ryan Ingram ryani.spam at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 04:26:17 CEST 2011

Mail fail, haha.  Code fixed.
For example:

-- Library functions for a hypothetical FRP system
pollEvent :: IO [a] -> Event a
behavior :: a -> Event a -> Behavior a
accumB :: b -> (b -> a -> b) -> Event a -> Behavior b
accumE :: b -> (b -> a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b
union :: Event a -> Event a -> Event a
runFRP :: (a -> IO Bool) -> Behavior a -> IO ()
-- Event & Behavior become instances of Functor & Applicative

-- and now a hypothetical implementation
data Event a where
   Event :: s -- initial state
               -> (s -> IO ([a], s))  -- tick
               -> Event a
data Behavior a = Behavior a (Event a)

pollEvent act = Event () $ \() -> do
     xs <- act
     return (xs, ())

behavior = Behavior

union (Event sL0 tickL) (Event sR0 tickR) = Event (sL0,sR0) tick where
    tick (sL, sR) = do
        (ls, sL') <- tickL sL
        (rs, sR') <- tickR sR
        return (ls ++ rs, (sL', sR'))

accumB b0 f e = Behavior b0 $ accumE b f e

accumE b0 f (Event s0 tickE) = Event (b0, s0) tick where
    tick (b, s) = do
        (as, s') <- tickE s
        let bs = scanl f b as
        return (bs, (last bs, s'))

-- Functor, Applicative instances are pretty easy and left as an exercise

runFRP tick (Behavior b0 (Event s0 e)) = runFRP' b0 s0 where
    runFRP' b s = do
        (bs, s') <- e s0
        let b' = last (b:bs)
        k <- tick b'
        when k $ runFRP' b' s'

-- sample application
keypress :: Event Char
keypress = pollEvent getCurrentPressedKeys where
   getCurrentPressedKeys = undefined -- exercise for the reader

-- application prints the last key you pressed until you press 'q'
main = runFRP tick keypress where
    tick k = print k >> return (k /= 'q')
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