[Haskell-cafe] More ideas for controlled mutation

Edward Z. Yang ezyang at MIT.EDU
Sun Apr 24 14:31:36 CEST 2011

Laziness can be viewed as a form of controlled mutation, where
we overwrite a thunk with its actual value, thus only running
the code once and reaping great time benefits.

I've been toying around with some ideas where we do alternative
forms of controlled mutation.  One such idea has to do with memoization.
One way we memoize functions is by building up a data-structure that
covers the entirety of input domain of the function, with the values
in each slot being thunks for the corresponding function call.  Now,
this is all very nice and well, but for some types of inputs (like
machine integers) we end up making a very big structure for a function for
which, in practice, we'll only store and retrieve a few values of the domain.

Hash tables take advantage of this fact by simply chaining together values
in a linked list if they land in the same bucket.  Could we have similarly
bucketized memoization?  What we want here is for a *thunk to possibly
evaluate to different values, but calls to the API be observationally
equivalent.*  That is, if the only way I can inspect a dictionary list
is do a lookup, I don't care if my representation is [(1,4),(2,2)] or
[(2,2),(1,4)].  An obvious way to do this is to use unsafePerformIO to
read out an IORef stating the value currently being looked up, and
have the thunk evaluate to the pair of that key and the result.  There
are some synchronization concerns, of course: ideally we would only
take out a lock on the thunk once we realize that the value doesn't
already exist in the memotable, but I don't think there's a way in GHC Haskell
to observe if a value is a thunk or not (maybe such a mechanism would be

This seems related to lazy IO, where thunks are co-opted into performing
input-output effects.  After all, mutation is just a controlled form of IO.  Is
lazy IO evil or not?  One consensus is that for operations that involve
limited resources (file descriptors, etc.) lazy IO is too opaque for its
own good.  It seems we also haven't cracked it's performance problems either
(for the relatively un-objectionable generation of an infinite stream of random
numbers, Don Stewart notes: "There are real overheads here. Consider eagerly
filling chunks and extracting elements piecewise.").  But code that looks pure
and can be reasoned about like pure code, but has the efficiency benefits of
mutation is a very attractive thing indeed.  I think it's worth some thought,
though the programming world at large has a hard enough time reasoning about
laziness even when everything is completely pure!


P.S. An obvious question is whether or not we could use this technique to
implement splay heaps or hash tables with pure interfaces.  My opinion is
no, because these structures demand you be able to *observe* the mutation.

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