[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Leksah 0.10.0

Hamish Mackenzie hamish.k.mackenzie at googlemail.com
Sat Apr 23 12:39:38 CEST 2011

On 23 Apr 2011, at 21:48, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> I am checking what is to be done to get this new release into Debian,
> and I notice quite a few changes to the dependencies, including some
> duplication of existing libraries (haddock-leksah, haddock-process).
> That is something we would definitely like to avoid in Debian. Can you
> tell us why exactly you need different packages, e.g. a link to the bug
> report where you ask for inclusion of your changes? Ideally, we would in
> Debian incorporate your changes in the Debian package of process or
> haddock, but of course only if they are reviewed by upstream and will
> eventually be merged.

Dependancy on haddock-leksah only applies if you are using ghc-6.10.
If you are only supporting ghc 6.12 and above you can ignore it.

This is what is in the leksah-server.cabal file...
   if (impl(ghc >= 6.12))
      build-depends: haddock >= 2.7.2 && <2.10
      build-depends: haddock-leksah == 2.5.0

process-leksah is still needed.  The feature request is here...
Favonia has recently made some suggestions and raised some concerns
and I imagine it may take a little while to resolve those.

Once it is in we will need to update some of the imports as
process-leksah module names are different to avoid conflicts.

> Also, is there a chance that the features of binary-shared will be
> merged into binary eventually?

We would like to see it included and we will prepare a patch and submit
it to trac/ghc for consideration.


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