[Haskell-cafe] ANN: hledger 0.14

Simon Michael simon at joyful.com
Sat Apr 23 01:31:34 CEST 2011

I'm pleased to announce hledger 0.14. This release includes work by  
Dmitry Astapov, Eric Kow, Max Bolingbroke, Omari Norman and myself.  
Thanks especially to Dmitry for helping me with release wrangling.

binaries for linux, mac, windows: http://hledger.org/DOWNLOADS.html
(64-bit linux binaries to follow)

or: cabal update && cabal install hledger, cabal install hledger- 
web, ...

home and docs: http://hledger.org
irc: irc://irc.freenode.net/#ledger

Release notes:

   * remove the specific process dependency that caused too many cabal  
install problems
   * treat arguments as possibly-encoded platform strings, do not  
assume UTF-8
   * hledger now always reads and writes data as UTF-8, ignoring the  
system locale (#34)
   * look at the LEDGER_FILE env var for the journal path, otherwise  
LEDGER, like ledger
   * handle a blank LEDGER_FILE or LEDGER value more gracefully (use  
the default file path)
   * the default journal file path is now ~/.hledger.journal, to avoid  
breaking mac filevault (#41)
   * amounts with different prices are now aggregated, like ledger
   * zero amounts now have no sign or commodity, like ledger
   * parsing: assume current year when transaction dates have no year  
and there is no default year
   * parsing: more careful validation of eg leap years in transaction  
   * parsing: better international number format support, allowing  
comma as decimal point and flexible digit groups (#32)
   * parsing: support @@ syntax specifying total price
   * parsing: infer the conversion price in transactions involving two  
unpriced commodities
   * parsing: support per-posting cleared status
   * parsing: more reporting interval syntax: biweekly, bimonthly,  
every N days/weeks/months/quarters/years, every Nst/nd/rd/th day of  
   * add: avoid offering account names for completion in inappropriate  
   * add: remember default account even if user submits a different  
   * convert: account-field directive specifies a field containing the  
base account name
   * convert: effective-date-field directive specifies a field  
containing the effective date
   * convert: date-format directive specifies custom date formats
   * convert: allow amount fields containing "AMT @@ PRICE"
   * histogram: honour the specified start or end dates
   * print: don't show a trailing space when description is blank
   * web: allow filter patterns with spaces if quoted, like command line
   * web: make edit form more cross-browser compatible, fixing it in  
firefox (#38)
   * web: move hidden add/edit/import forms below main content to help  
text-mode browsers a bit (#33)

Release contributors: Simon Michael, Dmitry Astapov, Eric Kow, Max  
Bolingbroke, Omari Norman.
137 days, 113 commits, 11 end-user features and 15 end-user bugfixes  
since last release.
189 unit & functional tests and 59% unit test coverage (hledger,  
hledger-lib packages).
5540 lines of code (all packages).


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