[Haskell-cafe] RFC: Possible improvements to System.Random and Control.Monad.Random API

Krzysztof Skrzętnicki gtener at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 16:20:01 CEST 2011

Today I answered a question on stackoverflow.com about behaviour of random
data generation
The code in question was as follows:

import Control.Monad.Random

inf :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => Rand g [a]
inf = sequence $ repeat $ getRandom

many :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => Int -> Rand g [a]
many n = sequence $ replicate n $ getRandom

main = do
  m <- evalRandIO $ many 1000000 :: IO [Bool]
  i <- evalRandIO $ inf :: IO [Bool]
  putStrLn $ show $ take 5 m
  putStrLn $ show $ take 5 i

It triggered stack overflow if the stack wasn't set high enough. This was
because to calculate i one has to first calculate the seed that results from
evaluating many 1000000 :: IO [Bool].

Even worse, if we swap the order of execution like this:

main = do

  i <- evalRandIO $ inf :: IO [Bool]  m <- evalRandIO $ many 1000000
:: IO [Bool]  putStrLn $ show $ take 5 m
  putStrLn $ show $ take 5 i

 We will get space leak and our code will never finish nor provide single
bit of output.

One possible solution is to make cell holding std gen strict. This would
make behaviour more clear to the unsuspecting user. I think it might have
other uses, but unfortunately this would also break some code.

So I think another solution might be applicable here. In my response I
provided solution based on the fact that StdGen is splittable. The essence
of the solution is to have each call to evalRandIO run on different seed.

main = do

  newGen' <- newStdGen

  m <- evalRandIO $ many 1000000 :: IO [Bool]

  setStdGen newGen'
  i <- evalRandIO $ inf :: IO [Bool]

  putStrLn $ show $ take 5 m

  putStrLn $ show $ take 5 i

This code works as expected, i.e. very runs fast.

It dawns on me that this solution might be useful as a general pattern.
There are several ways to do that. One might define additional functions for
random values generation. For example for Control.Monad.Random:

randomSplitIO :: (Random a) => IO a

randomSplitIO = do

   newGen <- newStdGen

   val <- randomIO

   setStdGen newGen
   return val

But this is slightly unfortunate, as it grows the API considerably. I
estimate that overall 5-10 new functions will be needed (both internal and
external, that is).

The best idea I have now is to add this function to System.Random:

withSplitGen :: IO a -> IO a

withSplitGen act = do

   newGen <- newStdGen

   val <- act

   setStdGen newGen
   return val

Additional function will be needed for Control.Monad.Random, but I don't
know how to write it. getSplit
likely be involved in such function.

The original program becomes this, and works as expected.

main = do

  i <- withSplitGen $ evalRandIO $ inf :: IO [Bool]

  m <- withSplitGen $ evalRandIO $ many 1000000 :: IO [Bool]

  putStrLn $ show $ take 5 i

  putStrLn $ show $ take 5 m

As a bonus this function could draw attention to the problem that otherwise
might be overlooked. People would get better understanding of how StdGen
works just by reading documentation of this function.

Please comment on this idea. Perhaps there are some problems I didn't
anticipate or some naming could be improved.

Best regards,
Krzysztof Skrzętnicki

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