[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform 2011.2.0.1 now available

Joachim Breitner nomeata at debian.org
Sat Apr 16 08:50:17 CEST 2011


Am Freitag, den 15.04.2011, 15:44 -0700 schrieb Don Stewart:
> We're pleased to announce the 2011.2.0.1 release of the Haskell Platform:
> a single, standard Haskell distribution for everyone.
> Download the Haskell Platform 2011.2.0.1:
>     http://haskell.org/platform/

or use Debian unstable, which ships this version of the platform since
five days already: http://people.debian.org/~nomeata/platform.html

Ok, two disclaimers:

 * We are in the middle of the transition to ghc-7, so a considerable
number of non-platform-packages are not installable via apt-get at the
moment, but of course you can install the using cabal-install. You can
monitor the progress on
http://pkg-haskell.alioth.debian.org/haskell-pkg-graph.pdf – green is
good :-)

 * We only ship it already because the file on
has already changed earlier, which was linked by
http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/changelog.html so we thought this is
already official and released and we just missed the announcement.

Maybe it would be better if released versions get their own, static
directory again, as it was the case for
and the relationship between the repositories
http://code.haskell.org/haskell-platform/ and
http://code.galois.com/darcs/haskell-platform/ should be explained on


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata at debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nomeata at joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata
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