[Haskell-cafe] Type Classes in Haskell - how can I make GHC make a choice of types, when the type chosen doesn't matter?
Chris Dew
cmsdew at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 14:00:45 CEST 2011
This is a question about the use of type classes in Haskell.
I get an error (below) when trying to compile the code (below and at
As someone just learning Haskell, I have tried following GHC's advice,
but I think the cause is different.
I believe the problem is that either of the types 'IO String' or plain
'String' could be the type of 'lhello ->> lbracket', but GHC doesn't
know which.
The problem is that it doesn't matter, either type would work fine.
I have posted a working version of the code at
. This replaces one of the ->> operators with a new (non type class)
operator '->>>' which forces 'lhello ->> lbracket' to be of type 'IO
* Is my analysis correct? Or is there something else going on here?
* Is there any way of informing GHC what the type of 'lhello ->>
lbracket' doen't matter and that is should just chose either of the
two possibilities. Or perhaps theres a LANGUAGE option which will let
me specify that 'lastest declared matching instance of the class wins'
if anything is undecided.
chris at chris-linux-desktop:~/nonworkspace/haskell-sandbox$ ghc
No instance for (Stream (IO String) (IO String) (IO String) d)
arising from a use of `->>' at not_working_but_clean.hs:40:16-34
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Stream (IO String) (IO String) (IO String) d)
In the first argument of `(->>)', namely `lhello ->> lbracket'
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`lhello ->> lbracket ->> putStrLn'
In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
forkIO $ lhello ->> lbracket ->> putStrLn
No instance for (Stream d String (IO ()) (IO ()))
arising from a use of `->>' at not_working_but_clean.hs:40:16-47
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (Stream d String (IO ()) (IO ()))
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`lhello ->> lbracket ->> putStrLn'
In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
forkIO $ lhello ->> lbracket ->> putStrLn
In the expression:
do { forkIO $ (bracket $ hello) ->> putStrLn;
forkIO $ lhello ->> lbracket ->> putStrLn;
forkIO $ bracket hello ->> putStrLn;
forkIO $ lbracket lhello ->> putStrLn;
.... }
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances,
TypeSynonymInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
module Main (
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar,
takeMVar, ThreadId, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forever, liftM)
class Stream a b c d where
(->>) :: a -> (b -> c) -> d
instance Stream (IO d) d (IO c) (IO c) where
f ->> g = f >>= g
instance Stream d d (IO c) (IO c) where
f ->> g = g f
instance Stream d d c c where
x ->> y = y $ x
-- This simply wraps a string in brackets.
bracket :: String -> String
bracket x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"
lbracket :: IO String -> IO String
lbracket x = liftM bracket x
hello :: String
hello = "Hello World!"
lhello :: IO String
lhello = do return hello
main :: IO ()
main = do
forkIO $ (bracket $ hello) ->> putStrLn
forkIO $ lhello ->> lbracket ->> putStrLn
forkIO $ bracket hello ->> putStrLn
forkIO $ lbracket lhello ->> putStrLn
threadDelay 10000000 -- Sleep for at least 10 seconds before exiting.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances,
TypeSynonymInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
module Main (
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar,
takeMVar, ThreadId, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forever, liftM)
class Stream a b c d where
(->>) :: a -> (b -> c) -> d
instance Stream (IO d) d (IO c) (IO c) where
f ->> g = f >>= g
instance Stream d d (IO c) (IO c) where
f ->> g = g f
instance Stream d d c c where
x ->> y = y $ x
x ->>> y = y $ x
-- This simply wraps a string in brackets.
bracket :: String -> String
bracket x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"
lbracket :: IO String -> IO String
lbracket x = liftM bracket x
hello :: String
hello = "Hello World!"
lhello :: IO String
lhello = do return hello
main :: IO ()
main = do
forkIO $ (bracket $ hello) ->> putStrLn
forkIO $ lhello ->>> lbracket ->> putStrLn
forkIO $ bracket hello ->> putStrLn
forkIO $ lbracket lhello ->> putStrLn
threadDelay 10000000 -- Sleep for at least 10 seconds before exiting.
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