[Haskell-cafe] Generating random graph
Bertram Felgenhauer
bertram.felgenhauer at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 13 14:31:10 CEST 2011
Hi Mitar,
> I have made this function to generate a random graph for
> Data.Graph.Inductive library:
> generateGraph :: Int -> IO (Gr String Double)
> generateGraph graphSize = do
> when (graphSize < 1) $ throwIO $ AssertionFailed $ "Graph size out
> of bounds " ++ show graphSize
> let ns = map (\n -> (n, show n)) [1..graphSize]
> es <- fmap concat $ forM [1..graphSize] $ \node -> do
> nedges <- randomRIO (0, graphSize)
> others <- fmap (filter (node /=) . nub) $ forM [1..nedges] $ \_ ->
> randomRIO (1, graphSize)
> gen <- getStdGen
Others have already remarked that you could implement this as a pure
function. However, the mistake is the use of getStdGen here, which
is (almost?) never what you need: two consecutive valls of getStdGen
will return the same generator. You should call newStdGen instead.
Best regards,
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