[Haskell-cafe] Asynchronous Arrows need Type Specialization - Help!

Paul L ninegua at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 23:57:44 CEST 2011

I now understand where you are coming from, but I don't quite get your
motivation to develop new classes for arrows. Tupling is Haskell is of
course very lazy, it does not evaluate any of its element. As for the
spatial and logical concepts, don't you think they are over-specifying
what is really necessary for your system model?

So I guess what I'm having trouble with is your arr f example. If f is
sufficiently lazy, it does not evaluate the elements in its input
tuple at all. Most pure functions we use to wire up arrows are like
this: arr fst, arr snd, arr swap, arr (\x -> (x, x)), etc.

I also don't quite follow your example of passing a time stamp
together with value. Do you intend to keep the time stamp always
updated? If you are getting unwanted results, it is perhaps due to
wrong computation, rather than the composition to a pure functions.
Maybe you want to give a specific example of "f".

Paul Liu

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:55 PM, David Barbour <dmbarbour at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Paul L <ninegua at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 10:18 PM, David Barbour <dmbarbour at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The (***) and (&&&) operations, as specified in Control.Arrow, are
>>> inherently synchronization points.
>>> Ideally one could do something like:
>>>  (a1 *** a2) >>> first a3
>>> and the output from a1 would be piped directly as input to a3, without
>>> touching a2. However, arrows also allow:
>>>  (a1 *** a2) >>> arr f
>>> And, in this case, the current state of a1 and a2 must be combined
>>> into a stream of pairs so that f may be mapped over the stream.
>>> Obtaining both streams at a single place (a single vat) and time is a
>>> synchronizing operation. The synchronization operations are severely
>>> undermining the intended scalability and performance of this agent
>>> abstraction.
>> If what you mean by "synchronization" is that for every output of a1
>> there must be an output of a2, then YES.
>> But if you mean that both the outputs of a1 and a2 have to be
>> available (fully evaluated) due to the tupling, then NO, at least not
>> in Haskell where things are evaluated lazily.
> What I mean by synchronization is that the outputs from a1 and a2 must
> occur at the same logical or physical space and time.
> Assume 'a1' and 'a2' represent external, asynchronous resources.
> * 'a1' loads a file, with latency 40 milliseconds.  (input is filename)
> * 'a2' is a database query, with a latency of 100 milliseconds. (input is query)
> (a1 *** a2) both loads a file and performs a query, then tuples the
> results as (r1,r2).
> (a1 *** a2 >>> first a3) further processes the file state r1,
> generating (r3,r2).
> Logically, a pair is a spatial-temporal concept: if you have a pair,
> you have access to a fst and a snd value at the same place and the
> same time. This synchronization is obvious if you pass values into an
> 'arr' arrow. The 'physical' synchronization issue is that the naive
> way to implement (a1 *** a2) is to wait for both resources to be
> available (time) in the same thread (space), then generate a tuple
> that couples the responses.
> For my programming model, however, I must avoid both forms of
> synchronization. The 'logical' synchronization is minimized. You might
> model this, roughly, by pairing the responses with their latencies:
> ((40,r1),(100,r2)). This would essentially be a 'futures' passing
> style. The idea is that '(a1 *** a2) >>> first a3' might generate
> something like ((80,r3),(100,r2)).  Explicit synchronization might
> bring this to ((100,r3),(100,r2)).
> Futures passing might work well enough for the problem as I've
> explained it to you. My programming model is operating under several
> additional constraints to support reactivity, concurrency,
> parallelism, scalability, distribution, and open systems. Under the
> more stringent requirements, I've been unable to make futures fit the
> problem. However, in the time since my last Haskell-cafe post, I have
> found a way to leverage GADTs to at least keep elements of a product
> distinct under-the-hood and minimize physical synchronization.
>  data A a d r where
>    Aprim :: a d r -> A a d r
>    Aid :: A a r r
>    Acomp :: A a d' r -> A a d d' -> A a d r
>    Aarr :: (d -> r) -> A a d r
>    Aprod :: A a d r -> A a d' r' -> A (a,a') (d,d')
>    Adup :: A a (a,a)
>    Afst :: A a (b,c) b
>    Asnd :: A a (b,c) c
>    ...
>> BTW, according to arrow laws,   (a1 *** a2) >>> first a3 is equivalent
>> to (a1 >>> a3) *** a2, does the latter look more appealing to you? If
>> yes, I don't see where is the problem, unless you intentionally want
>> to make them different, and then it is no longer arrow.
> While both expressions should have equivalent observable properties,
> neither Haskell nor Arrow laws assure they will possess the same
> operational characteristics.  In a naive implementation, the latter
> will generally be the more efficient option.
> For efficiency reasons, I have also abandoned Ross's Control.Arrow.
> The main problem with it is Ross's use of pragmas:
> {-# RULES
> "first/arr"  forall f . first (arr f) = arr (first f)
> "second/arr"    forall f . second (arr f) = arr (second f)
> "product/arr"   forall f g . arr f *** arr g = arr (f *** g)
> "fanout/arr"    forall f g . arr f &&& arr g = arr (f &&& g)
>  #-}
> These rules go the wrong direction, making the program more opaque to
> the runArrow operation, and actually change both the physical and
> logical synchronization characteristics for the worse. I.e. if I pass
> ((80,r3),(100,r2)) to 'arr f', the output becomes available at logical
> time 100 rather than time 80.
> Peter Gammie suggested use of Adam Megacz's Generalized Arrows, which
> would avoid this problem by use of an opaque product type that can
> only be converted to a pair by an explicit operation (i.e. 'synch :: a
> (b**c) (b,c)' for opaque product type (**)). I'm still debating
> whether to take this approach.

Paul Liu

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