[Haskell-cafe] Re: Parsec question (new user): unexpected end of input

Christian Maeder Christian.Maeder at dfki.de
Wed Sep 29 05:55:18 EDT 2010

Am 29.09.2010 09:54, schrieb Christian Maeder:
> Am 29.09.2010 05:35, schrieb Peter Schmitz:
> [...]
>> Error parsing file: "...\sampleTaggedContent.txt" (line 4, column 1):
>> unexpected end of input
>> expecting "<"
>> The input was:
> [...]
>>> -- Parsers:
>>> taggedContent = do
>>>    optionalWhiteSpace
>>>    aTag
>>>    many tagOrContent
>>>    aTag
> "many tagOrContent" will consume all tags, so that no tag for the
> following "aTag" will be left.

if you want to match a final tag, you could try:

  manyTill tagOrContent (try (aTag >> eof))

> Cheers Christian
>>>    eof
>>>    return "Parse complete."
>>> tagOrContent = aTag <|> someContent <?> "tagOrContent"
>>> aTag = do
>>>    tagBegin
>>>    xs <- many (noneOf [tagEndChar])

this also looks like "manyTill anyChar tagEnd"


>>>    tagEnd
>>>    optionalWhiteSpace
>>>    return ()
>>> someContent = do
>>>    manyTill anyChar tagBegin
>>>    return ()
>>> optionalWhiteSpace = spaces   -- i.e., any of " \v\f\t\r\n"
>>> tagBegin = char tagBeginChar
>>> tagEnd = char tagEndChar
>>> -- Etc:
>>> tagBeginChar = '<'
>>> tagEndChar = '>'
>> --------

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