[Haskell-cafe] A model theory question

Alexander Solla ajs at 2piix.com
Tue Sep 28 23:58:28 EDT 2010

  On 09/28/2010 03:03 AM, Patrick Browne wrote:
> I had a look at the types of a and a’.
> *Main>  :t a
> a :: forall a obj. (Uneditable obj) =>  a ->  obj
> *Main>  :t a'
> a' :: forall witness a obj. (Refactored obj witness) =>  Maybe (a ->  obj)
> Could you explain the example a little more.
This is going to be a long email.  Logic is a bit of a rambling 
subject.  And then I went out and bought some beer. ;0)

First thing to note:  the importance of the types here is that the stuff 
contained inside the Maybe HAS to be the same type as the corresponding 
"Uneditable" function.  On a conceptual level, we're trying to quantify 
over the axioms embodied by "Uneditable".  It isn't important to my 
point what the axioms types are.  What matters is that the new axiom 
scheme as the same "inner" type, wrapped in a Maybe.  If you're looking 
to do object orientation or similar things, you would probably prefer 
something like:

class Uneditable obj where a :: obj -> a; b :: obj -> a


class Refactored obj witness where a' :: Maybe (obj -> a), b' :: Maybe 
(obj -> a)

You can do slick things with existential quantification too.  (To a 
mathematician, "slick" means "so elegant it looks trivial at first 
glance, but deep and unifying upon further inspection".  Compare to the 
mathematician joke about obviousness.[1]  Category theory is the 
slickest of mathematics, under an informal, subjective ordering of 
mine.  Mathematical logic is pretty damn slick too, but it has more 
primitives and so is less elegant.  In different words, it is more 
computational than category theory, which is compositional by design)

I am not sure what you don't understand, so I will start at the 
beginning, at least in broad strokes.

So, going back to the "basic" theory of logic, you have axiomatizations, 
theories, and models.  An axiomatization is a "chosen" finite a set of 
sentences (it's up to you to pick axioms that encode truths about what 
you want to study/program).  A theory is a set of sentences which is 
closed under logical implication, and a model is a set of objects[1] 
which "satisfies" an axiomatization (equivalently, the theory generated 
by an axiomatization, because of the compactness theorem)

In order to make an axiomatization "more specific", you add axioms.  In 
order to make it "more general", you drop axioms.  So, every group is a 
monoid, but not vice-versa:  the non-associative monoid of subtraction 
over the integers is not a group.  The monoid does not satisfy the axiom 
of associativity, and so must be excluded from the class of models for 
the group axioms.  Again, theories are "the same way", but you have to 
deal with logical closure.  I mean, if I was to remove a sentence from a 
theory, it *might* still generate the same theory, because the sentence 
I removed was a logical consequence of the others.  For example, we can 
have a theory of arithmetic where an axiom states that 1 + 1 = 2, in 
addition to the Peano axioms.  If we drop the 1 + 1 = 2 axiom and 
generate the closure of the new theory, we will see that 1 + 1 = 2 anyway.

The notion of "satisfaction" is important.  As I said, a model for an 
axiomatization is (conceptually) a set of objects which satisfies an 
axiomatization or theory.  In short, to show that a model satisfies an 
axiomatization, you need to provide an interpretation function for the 
model.  (This is what type class instances are for, under the 
Howard-Curry correspondence) An interpretation is a function which takes 
a sentence from the axiomatization and an object from the model and maps 
them to a truth value, under certain consistency constraints.  For 
example, I(a 'and' b) = I(a) "and" I(b), where 'and' is a symbolic 
notion of conjunction and also "and" is a semantic notion of 
conjunction.  (In particular, an interpretation I is a "proof-to-truth 
homomorphism", and can potentially be reified as a functor, among other 

Now it gets kind of tricky.  There are a few correspondences and facts 
to put together.  First is the Howard-Curry Correspondence theorem, 
which tells us that in a typed programming language, functions can be 
re-interpreted as proofs of type-level theorems in a corresponding typed 
logic.  That is, typed programming languages are typed constructive 
logics.  So all the "basic" mathematical logic stuff I have talked about 
applies.  But, I never said where axiomatizations and their models 
"live" on the programming side.  And in fact, models are particularly 
tricky, because they "live" in "shifting" grounds.

For example, any logically consistent theory is its own model!  The 
objects of the model (which the interpretation function interprets) are 
sentences from the theory the model models.  The axioms for the theory 
are to be declared "true" (with respect to the model), and it is 
immediately obvious that the "identity functor" offers an 
interpretation, since I(A and B) exactly equals I(A) and I(B).  This is 
called the "free model" for a theory/axiomatization.  It is the "most 
general" model of an axiomatization, in a specific sense.[3]

Another correspondence to consider:  every function is a relation, and 
every relation can be encoded as predicate by enumerating its tuples.  
So a function is pretty trivially equivalent to some predicate, since a 
predicate's extension is a set of things which it is "true" of.  This is 
sort of the root of the Howard-Curry correspondence.

In short, models are strange abstract AND concrete things.  Any single 
model is concrete, insofar as it is a collection of objects of some kind 
living "somewhere" (be it in RAM, in text on screen, in your mind, the 
Platonic realms, etc), but the only things that make models model-like 
is that they satisfy the model theory definitions/axioms (there's some 
more meta-modelling for you...).

If we pull in the Howard-Curry correspondence, we see that type classes 
definitions are meant to be Haskell's preferred method of constructing 
an axiomatization as a nameable thing of some kind.  Then again, we can 
use modules, or even plain old data types and values (for example, type 
MethodName = String; data Uneditable obj = Uneditable [MethodName -> (a 
-> obj )].  "Every" collection of function definitions corresponds to an 
axiomatization of "something", under the correspondence.  What matters 
is (1) that there is a finite collection of definitions, (2) and they 
are logically consistent (which in this case means they can be unified 
and don't touch an undefined Haskell expression)

So, back to the code.  The "Uneditable" type class is an axiomatization 
of "something".  Conceptually, to make a more general axiomatization, 
you would have to drop an axiom.  Haskell's type classes don't let us do 
that directly.  We have to force it.  Forcing takes advantage of that 
"shiftiness" of models I discussed earlier.  Since a type class is an 
axiomatization (of something...), it is its own model.  How do we create 
less specific models from this model?  Well, we have to change the 
interpretation function a little, so that the axiom we want to drop maps 
to... "nothing specific", except as a consequence of the interpretations 
for the other axioms.  Consider again the "1 + 1 = 2" example.  "1 + 1 = 
2" would map to true, but only because it is a consequence of the 
regular axioms of arithmetic.

Indeed, this "dropping" or "keeping" is what the "Maybe" does in 
"Refactored".  If we want to keep the axiom as an axiom, we stick it 
inside a Just.  If we don't, we use "Nothing".  The new free model is 
(potentially) "more" free, because it is constrained by fewer axioms.

So if we think of type class definitions as "axiomatizations", we should 
think of type class instances as equivalent to interpretations for a 
model.  That is, typically, models in Haskell are data types that 
satisfy the axioms embodied in a type class definition.  So what have we 
done? Well, we have constructed a larger free model, in virtue of 
constructing a more general axiomatization.  It is still up to you to 
make specific data types instances of the axiomatization, in order to 
show that they are models of the axioms.

[1]  "A mathematician is a person who spends 15 minutes to decide that 
something is obvious."  Of course, the reason it might take 15 minutes 
is that you have to do a depth or breadth first search on arguments, and 
there are lots of "simple" arguments, each of which is "obvious".  My 
email is an example of why this can be a lengthy search.  In it, I have 
used equivalence results from possibly dozens of fields.  The argument 
is only obvious in retrospect.

[2] I am not assuming OO semantics.  Haskell values are a fair 
approximation of what an "object" is in this case.  It seems that the 
CafeObj language's goal is to force these notions together.  Fair 
enough, that's how I thought about OO objects when I did OO programming, 
to much annoyance from my imperative-thinking colleagues...

[3].  If our theory was "Everybody on Haskell Cafe wears hats", our 
theory would still be true if these hats were all blue.  Or a mix of 
colors.  Our language doesn't even go into those possibilities, so they 
can't be proven or disproven given our axioms.
   Free objects are interesting in their own right.  For example, a free 
group generated by a set of symbols is the set of possible 
concatenations of these symbols.  Concatenation is an associative 
operation.  The first "big" result of elementary group theory is 
basically a proof that any group can be represented in terms of a set of 
permutations.  In particular, this means that every free group can be 
represented in terms of a set of permutations, and vice-versa (though 
not in a particularly obvious way).  That is, the free group generated 
by a group is a group of permutations on symbols, and contains the 
original group as a subgroup.  This is a common construction where "free 
objects" occur.  Free objects are useful, because they can be thought of 
as generic.

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