[Haskell-cafe] Applicative instances for Monads

Gregory Crosswhite gcross at phys.washington.edu
Fri Sep 24 22:01:46 EDT 2010

  Hey everyone,

There is something that has been bugging me recently about the 
Applicative class and the Monad class.

Any type constructor F that is a Monad has a natural Applicative instance,

     (<$>) :: F (a -> b) -> F a -> F b
     mf <$> ma = do
         f <- mf
         a <- ma
         return (f a)

So it seems that defining something to be a Monad should automatically 
make it an instance of Applicative with this definition for (<$>).  So 
far so good, but there are times when this implementation is too 
"sequential".  The nature of Applicative is that later actions are not 
allowed to depend on earlier actions, which means that it is natural to 
run them in parallel when possible.  So for example, considering the 
following alternative of Applicative for a newtype AIO that wraps an IO 


import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar

newtype AIO a = AIO {unAIO :: IO a}

instance Monad AIO where
    return = AIO . return
    (AIO x) >>= f = AIO (x >>= unAIO . f)

instance Functor AIO where
     fmap f (AIO x) = AIO (fmap f x)

instance Applicative AIO where
     pure = return
     (AIO mf) <*> (AIO ma) = AIO $ do
       f_box <- newEmptyMVar
       forkIO (mf >>= putMVar f_box)
       a_box <- newEmptyMVar
       forkIO (ma >>= putMVar a_box)
       f <- takeMVar f_box
       a <- takeMVar a_box
       return (f a)


This seems to me to be an arguably better way to implement Applicative 
because it uses the fact that we know that the second action is 
independent from the first to gain parallelism by sparking them in 
separate threads.  So for example if one has six actions m1 ... m6 that 
could run in parallel then one could write something like the following:


main = do
     (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) <-
<$> a1
<*> a2
<*> a3
<*> a4
<*> a5
<*> a6


Here is another example:  Consider the following instance of Applicative 
for the Either type:


import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid

instance Monoid error => Applicative (Either error) where
     pure = Right
     Right f <*> Right x = Right (f x)
     Left error <*> Right _ = Left error
     Right _ <*> Left error = Left error
     Left error1 <*> Left error2 = Left (error1 `mappend` error2)

display :: Either String Int -> IO ()
display = putStrLn . show

main = mapM_ (putStrLn . show)
      [Right (+1) <*> Right 1
      ,Right (+1) <*> Left "[bad value]"
      ,Left "[bad function]" <*> Right 1
      ,Left "[bad function]" <*> Left "[bad value]"


This is much like the instance used by the Error monad, but it has the 
advantage that rather than terminating at the first sign of error it 
instead gathers together the errors produced by each subcomputation.  
Again, we can do this because we know that we do not need the result of 
the first computation in order to evaluate the second computation.

To summarize:  on the one hand every Monad has a generic instance for 
Applicative, and yet on the other hand this instance is often arguably 
not the "correct" one because it ignores the fact that the second 
computation is independent of the first, which is a fact that can be 
exploited given additional knowledge about the structure of the Monad.

I bring this up because there has been talk here of automatically having 
instances of Monad also be instances of Applicative, and what bugs me is 
that on the one hand this makes perfect since as every Monad can also be 
viewed as an Applicative, and yet on the other hand not only is there 
often more than one natural way to define an Applicative instance for 
selected Monads but furthermore the "generic" instance is often an 
inferior definition because it ignores the structure of the Monad.



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