[Haskell-cafe] asymmetric runtimes for symmetric trees
Daniel Seidel
ds at informatik.uni-bonn.de
Tue Sep 21 13:45:50 EDT 2010
I've got the answer - its the sumLeafs function that behaves different
for leftPath / rightPath. If one exchanges it in the leftPath case by
sumLeafs (Fork l r) = sumLeafs r + sumLeafs l
sumLeafs (Leaf i) = i
the difference in runtime is gone.
Am Dienstag, den 21.09.2010, 19:14 +0200 schrieb Daniel Seidel:
> Hi,
> I'm having a tree data type
> data Tree a = Leaf a | Fork (Tree a) (Tree a)
> , a generator for the left-most path of the tree, taking the depth
> leftPath :: Int -> Tree Int
> leftPath d
> | d > 1 = Fork (leftPath (d-1)) (Leaf 1)
> | d == 1 = (Leaf 1)
> | otherwise = error "Can't make tree of depth <= 0."
> and the similar thing for a right-most path
> rightPath :: Int -> Tree Int
> rightPath d
> | d > 1 = Fork (Leaf 1) (rightPath (d-1))
> | d == 1 = (Leaf 1)
> | otherwise = error "Can't make tree of depth <= 0."
> Now I measured how long it takes to build a huge tree via
> print $ sumLeafs $ leftPath 1000000
> and
> print $ sumLeafs $ rightPath 1000000
> as main functions where
> sumLeafs (Fork l r) = sumLeafs l + sumLeafs r
> sumLeafs (Leaf i) = i
> Compiling without optimisation and running with no extra runtime
> options, besides -K50M to make available enough stack, yields on my
> machine (measured via time) that for leftPath the runtime is 3.8s, for
> rightPath 2.9s.
> If I optimize with -O2 runtimes decrease to approx. 1s / 0.8s, meaning
> the difference is still there.
> Using the -sstderr runtime option shows that (also with the runtime
> option -H2.5G) garbage collection for the leftPath case takes always
> slightly longer than for the rightPath case.
> Can anyone explain why there is that difference?
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
> PS: Here the programs as one block:
> ---LeftPath.hs
> module Main where
> data Tree a = Leaf a | Fork (Tree a) (Tree a)
> leftPath :: Int -> Tree Int
> leftPath d
> | d > 1 = Fork (leftPath (d-1)) (Leaf 1)
> | d == 1 = (Leaf 1)
> | otherwise = error "Can't make tree of depth <= 0."
> sumLeafs (Fork l r) = sumLeafs l + sumLeafs r
> sumLeafs (Leaf i) = i
> main = print $ sumLeafs $ leftPath 1000000
> ---RightPath.hs
> module Main where
> data Tree a = Leaf a | Fork (Tree a) (Tree a)
> rightPath :: Int -> Tree Int
> rightPath d
> | d > 1 = Fork (Leaf 1) (rightPath (d-1))
> | d == 1 = (Leaf 1)
> | otherwise = error "Can't make tree of depth <= 0."
> sumLeafs (Fork l r) = sumLeafs l + sumLeafs r
> sumLeafs (Leaf i) = i
> main = print $ sumLeafs $ rightPath 1000000
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