[Haskell-cafe] Haskell/JDK/tail-calls etc. (please vote on bug No. 6804517)

Karel Gardas karel.gardas at centrum.cz
Sun Sep 19 15:51:36 EDT 2010


from time to time request for Haskell running on top of Java's VM pops
on the haskell related mailing list and then usually dies off when
someone mentions that JDK does not have proper support for tail-calls. I
think haskell community might do something with this fact or at least
attempt to do something with it. I think the proper request for
enhancement is here:

if you agree with it (as it's proposed on the rfe's mentioned blog
article[1]), then please either join or if you are already a member of
SDN then just login and vote for this bug. That's something we can do
for free and will take just few minutes yet perhaps push a little bit
more weight behind this bug (err, just 4 votes now, why's that?).

[1]: http://blogs.sun.com/jrose/entry/tail_calls_in_the_vm

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