[Haskell-cafe] IO-oriented cache library for interacting with GUI

Vo Minh Thu noteed at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 17:06:54 EDT 2010

2010/9/16 Evan Laforge <qdunkan at gmail.com>:
> 2010/9/16 Alexey Karakulov <ankarakulov at gmail.com>:
>> Hi. I'm writing GUI (gtk) program which purpose is take some data as user
>> input, perform some evaluations, and produce some plots and coefficients.
>> Since some evaluations take significant time (about 10 seconds), I try to
>> cache results. The problem is that dependency structure is quite
>> complicated, something like this:
> You might do a search for "monads for incremental computing".  I
> skimmed the paper, but it didn't really fit my problem so I never
> implemented it.  It sounds like your problem might be a bit closer?

It seems the code from the paper is on hackage:


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