[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANNOUNCE: GotoT-transformers version 1.0

Gregory Crosswhite gcross at phys.washington.edu
Sun Sep 12 02:19:47 EDT 2010

  On 9/11/10 10:36 PM, Ertugrul Soeylemez wrote:
> It should print the string, if the computation isn't aborted, i.e. if
> the last continuation, which you specify as an argument to runContT is
> reached.
> Greets,
> Ertugrul

That's true, it just seems to me like at that point the spirit of the 
continuation monad is being violated since the final continuation is 
never actually called.  That isn't necessarily a big deal, but it is the 
kind of behavior that could bite someone if they weren't aware or forgot 
about it.


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