[Haskell-cafe] Re: Crypto-API is stabilizing
Thomas DuBuisson
thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 11:22:04 EDT 2010
Sorry, the example was all messed up, even if it did communicate what
I wanted its just so broken I must fix.
Slightly contrived example:
buildAgreementMessage :: (Monad m, CryptoRandomGen g,
ASymetricCipher k) => g -> k -> m (B.ByteString, (k,k), g)
buildAgreementMessages g k = do
((p,q),g') <- eitherToFail (buildKeyPair g)
let pBS = encode p
msg = runPut $ do
putByteString agreementHeader
putWord16be (B.length pBS)
putByteString pBS
return $ (sign msg k, (p,q), g')
Again, this is simply trying to re-enforce the fact that buildKeyPair
(formerly 'generateKeyPair') does have a place.
On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Thomas DuBuisson
<thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Slightly contrived example:
> buildAgreementMessage :: (Monad m, CryptoRandomGen g,
> ASymetricCipher k) => g -> k -> m (B.ByteString,g)
> buildAgreementMessages g k = do
> (e,g') <- liftM eitherToFail (buildAsymKey g `asTypeOf` k)
> let eBS = encode e
> msg = runPut (putByteString agreementHeader >> putWord16be
> (B.length eBS) >> putByteString eBS)
> return msg
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