[Haskell-cafe] Re: Crypto-API is stabilizing

Thomas DuBuisson thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 10:47:24 EDT 2010

>> If MR the more agreeable path
>> then I'll do it, though this means I use the unholy "fail" function.
> You don't want to use monads because the Monad class defines the fail
> function?

Sorry, I phrased this better on the blog comment.  I don't want to use
"MonadRandom m => m (p,p)" (MonadRandom + fail) instead of "Either
GenError (B,ByteString, g)" because it limits my options for failure
down to a piddly "fail :: String -> m a" (ignoring exceptions) - right
now my options for failure are much richer,  I can say ReseedRequred
or NotEnoughEntropy etc, giving the user errors that can be handled by
a simple pattern matching case expression.

>> In general, I like this approach, but what are
>>      encrypt privateKey
>>    or
>>      decrypt publicKey
>> supposed to do? A type-class solution also does not *prevent* programmers to perform such non-sensical calls
>Would it be desirable to prohibit such calls using the type system?

As was earlier pointed out, these are actually valid operations for
many public key systems.  In fact, it's possible to use these for
signing or verifying messages:

Signing ==> encrypt privateKey . encode . hash
Verifying signature ==> \sig msg -> decrypt publicKey sig == encode (hash msg)

What makes a key public and another private is simply your pick of
which to publish and which to protect as jealously as my daughter
guards her cup of water (seriously, I can't get it from her).


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